Darkmoon Eye

Darkmoon Eye
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Ground (hovers)
Hovers about.
Vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
Mists of Pandaria
Patch 5.1.0 | Posted: November 27, 2012
During the Darkmoon Faire (first week of every month) the Master Pet Tamer, Jeremy Feasel, will offer a daily quest to players. It costs one Darkmoon Game Token to challenge him to a Pet Battle.
After defeating Jeremy Feasel, you will receive Darkmoon Pet Supplies.
Level 0:

Since you are most likely to be using this guy against a Flyer, Inner Vision can be useful against moves like Lift Off or Cocoon Strike where you would otherwise be blocked or miss with your normal strike. But also since you are most likely to be using this guy against a Flyer, Interrupting Gaze isn't useful at all since the Darkmoon Eye is so slow compared to Flyers...
This was one of the 'must have' pets for me.
Serving mostly as a vanity pet though, because it did not stand out to me in battles.
His 305 attack is easily overshadowed by an Eldritch Manafiend despite having 301 attack, it's speed is much higher too with 289 compared to the Eye's 257.
The difference lies in the effectiveness of the attacks, which the Fiend does better in my opinion.
Chrominius and Fragment of Anger are also much better choices against Flying.
But, i still love this pet.
Just got one from the AH for 5250g. I'm pretty happy with the find. I think the person selling didn't know it's worth because there are 3 more for sale at 13,000g. Can't wait to level him up!
Not sure if anyone noticed that Inner Vision is a wasted ability. It only counts for your next attack and not a pre set up bomb by another char. That being said, in the time you took to cast Inner Vision you would have done the same amount of damage just pressing the other botton 2 times. The only way where this would be viable is if you had a a barrier that was about to come down.
Not sure if anyone has mentioned this yet but Lil bling is really really good against the last pets of both darkmoon fair battles - Make it rain! is awesome!
My team for this guy is usually infinite whelpling, Fluxfire feline and lil bling
sleeping gas on the eye if it falls asleep prepare darkflame in preparation for the tank - fluxfire feline to finish tonk then you can use lil bling will procede to give that annoying monkey a taste of his own medicine! make it rain!
I just got this guy & to my surprise this little guy is preaty tuff. He easilly kept up with my Ambisil Idol & Clockwork Gnome. I leveled them together & they made a formitable team.
My team to beat Jeremy: XT with his backline damage and self-healing, swap in a leveller when he dies, then fel flame allows a third pet purely for leveling purposes. Best to use a leveling pet in the teens that can survive a hit or two. Occasionally the monkey will stun-lock my fel flame and I'll have to heal and restart but most of the time works great. The monkey usually dies on the first hit by my fel flame.
305 power is nice, but 257 speed is a bit annoying. This means that you should probably try and make the best use of Eyeblast, 25% speed debuff. Eyeblast works really well with Interrupting Gaze which requires you to be faster. Darkmoon Curse is pretty nice, but the 4 turn cooldown and the 2 turn duration means you can't keep it up which you really would have to. Laser is nice vs Blind, but Focused Beams will hit for more. Good vs fliers, as most magic pets. Pretty decent pet.
This is the first faire that I use for daily pet battles, and after doing a pet battle a day at the faire with a wonderful team that makes it very easy to defeat this tamer, I gat an eye today. I am happy!
Been doing this daily everyday for months and months when the Darkmoon Faire is on (using a wonderful team of an Emerald Proto-Welp, a Fel Flame and a Menagerie Custodian.. to great effect!)... no pet!.. kept my "eye" out for it on AH, spotted it for 450g, couldn't hit the Buyout button quick enough!! So happy! *wipes a tear away from my eye* ;D
I have a question! but you I already have a Darkmoon Eye! I can have another fight from?
I know people probably hate posts like this, but I didn't even know this pet was rare until I looted one today after beating Jeremy for the first time. Didn't even know I could get a pet from him. Came here right away as soon as I realized I had a pet in my bag. Finally a little luck from the RNG gods!
I got my Darkmoon eye today and have to say good pet so far :) good luck to all farming it x
I still haven't gotten this one to drop from the bag Jeremy hands over, but I bought one from the Auction House. Once the one from the bag manages to drop, I'll give it to my boyfriend. So glad I got him into pet battles. Well, I will be, until he starts beating me at it more lol.
I set up my team to so that Fezwick's stun is unleashed on an already 'soon-to-be-dead' pet. And I always compose a team with a Lvl 24 or less for experience. Was happy to beat the DMF pet trainer and have this slick looking pet fall for me the first day I fought him. My son was with me and he always gets so excited when a new BLUE pet is added to my (our) team. Now to just do a few PvP pet battles with this pet, an Arcane Eye, and an Eye of the Legion....just for fun visually <pun intended>.
great combo for this is
clockwork gnome for magic use (railgun,repair turret)
harbinger of flame for tank use (burn,immolate ,conflagrate,)
fungal moth for monkey beast use (slice, cocoon, dust)
immolate and turrets carry through to beasty and its gg.
Still trying for this pet, doing daily every single day of DMF since xpac.
The pets I use:
Lil' Deathwing (Roll, Shadowflame til almost dead, Elementium Bolt to carry over to Tonk);
Crimson Shale Hatchling (Poison Spit, Burn);
Cogblade Raptor (Overtune, Batter).
If none of mine miss and i get at least 1 miss against me (a common occurrence), the Shale Hatchling survives to absorb the stun the monkey ALWAYS starts with. I win first time about 85% of the time.
I occasionally remembered to do this quest daily during the feast each month. I think I managed to fight maybe a dozen times over the past few months with no luck on the Eye.. Except today! I almost fell out of my chair. Also saw another player who had also just received one yesterday. I feel so lucky. I am not selling this, I am a pet freak.
I had done this tamer occasionally on my mains server since xpac released, yet no luck with the eye so I didn't think much of it. Tried today on my alt which is in the Warcraft Pets guild, and got it on my first try! Good luck to anyone hoping for one!
Hard decision... keep or sell?
Done this one for ages (it seems) but no luck at all.
On my server (Outland) it cost a small fortune to buy so that is not an option.
Well got to try harder.