Kun-Lai Runt

Idles and looks about.
Vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
Mists of Pandaria
Patch 5.1.0 | Posted: November 27, 2012
Read more about this pet in our Pet of the Month!
Level 0:

OMG! I have fought about 50 battles and can't get better than Uncommon. This is making me crazy!
Not a pet I'd recommend for PVP. No one is going to sit there and let you stun them with deep freeze, they'll just swap.
One of my favourite movesets. Frost Shock, Deep Freeze, Takedown. Rinse, repeat.
This guy was frustrating me quite (spent about 30 minutes flying in circles) until I realized that all the new spawn pets were locked--there were too many battle pets. Right above the Winter's Blossom flight point is Kafi-a mountain goat gold battle pet and about 7-10 little summit kids. I killed them all and within 5 minutes had a surge of Runts show up.
Got very lucky, found two on Kota Peak this morning 8:34 EST. First was poor, but second was rare.
Has anyone found or seen one of these this week? 5/20/18 - 5/24/18? Been looking and looking and not a single one. Actually there have been 3 of us looking. Killed everything in the Summit over and over and still nothing.
This is my go-to Critter counter.
The Humanoid trait has Critters do 33% less damage to you, while you plow through them with Rampage, healing yourself a bit every round too.
The Humanoid healing and defence is what makes me prefer it over Beast pets.
P/P breed is best with 341 power, since P/S gives you less power and only 273 speed, which generally does not grant you a lot of first strike chances, but with 305 power it isn't too bad either.
I found mine near Kafi, the daily Beast pet.
Has anyone seen one of these since 7.0.3 came out? I spent a lot of time during the pre-patch and since looking for this pet, and have not been able to find it. I've tried a couple of the suggestions with looking for it in phased zones, etc with various alts, realm hopping, etc. But I have yet to see one.
Update: Finally found one, along the roads, etc like described by the others. Just takes a lot of patience.
WHERE IS THIS THING? Underground?? I have spent 4 days (about 30 minutes a day after Klaxxi rep grinding) flying ALL over Kun-Lai Summit and have found ZERO.
One of the nastiest combos in the game. I love KLR
While allot of people take the Frost shock route... this pet is one of the few pets that actually has a 3 round huge hit that just keeps going and going.... Very strong and cool pet! I can't wait to see about this new Christmas Runt looking pet this year!
This guy sure became the heavy hitter for my team... At level 25 rare, the combination of the Frost Shock, Deep Freeze and Takedown attacks, he can really inflict some damage. Not only that, but when facing master battle pet tamers, I can Frost Shock, slowing the pet, then Deep Freeze, stunning it. Then, I know the NPCs will switch pets, so I just Frost Shock again, slowing the next pet that comes down, basically trapping them in a loop, keeping my pet with the fastest stat. Absolutely love it!
I just got my first 3 pets to level 25 and decided to get this pet as it was in the top 20. I was prepared to be camping out for awhile.
After about 10 commons/poors and 2 uncommons, I figured the chances must be pretty low.
Just put this pet (lvl 25) and your level 1+ pet and another (can be level 25 or one you're about to finish leveling like, level 20 or so.
Find Frogs to battle, and start with the 1+ pet. You can find spiders too, but than don't start with the level 1+ pet cause some spiders trap. Is fast leveling. When 1+ hits 20, the level 20 is 25 u can put it aside. Use the runt the 1+ who just leveled to 20 and take a new level 1+ pet and your leveling machine is on. Enjoy
This has been one of my favorite pets to use when leveling others pets.
Finally grabbed a H/S rare at 35:54 in Kun-Lai Summit, right near where Kali is for the Beasts of Fable achievement. Took me about 90 minutes of searching. Don't give up! :) They're out there!
Just got my rare while searching, and didn't find another one along the path even though i looked, I feel very fortunate to have found this one...:) What a great pet to battle with, superb attacks and I can't wait to get leveled and enter the tournament with this pet!!!
Not a bug. 305/273 is standard for a P/S. I've got one and also a P/B which is 305/257.
Great pet to have, extremely difficult to handle if you're against it. I usually swap in an undead pet and nuke it accepting the fact that it will die anyway but will get in enough hits to kill him off. Otherwise any pet that has a block effectively neutralises his attacks (such as darkmoon zeplin), otherwise he is almost unstoppable i find.
One of the strongest pets for sure. He will 1-2-Punch almost any dragonkin or elemental that the enemy trainer uses last. (Because then the trainer can't swap it out when it gets stunned.)
Superb against Yu'la in the tournament. Use P/P of him with an anubisath idol.
Frost shock
Deep freeze
Take down
Swap to idol
Deflect the lift off
Swap back to runt
Rinse and repeat!!!
Finish it with crush if needed.
I use two runts just in case. You can never have enough runts!