Winter's Little Helper

Binds when used
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Emotes "no" and exclaims in protest when summoned outside of the Winter Veil holiday.
Snow sound (on summon); vocalizations (on-click)

Red Helper Box
Item Level 1
Binds when used
Use: Right Click to summon and dismiss your helper. Requires a Snowball to summon.
This is one of four BoU Winter Veil pets that drops at random from the [Gaily Wrapped Present]. You must be level 20+ to loot this item. This item appears under the Winter Veil tree in Ironforge (alliance) or Orgrimmar (horde) on and after December 25th through January 1st, but the [Red Helper Box] can often be found at auction year-round.
As of Patch 4.3, the Winter's Little Helper no longer requires a snowball to summon. This companion is also very vocal about being summoned outside of the Winter Veil holiday, and will not remain by the player's side during the off season.
During the Feast of Winter Veil, this companion will summon and ride their very own miniature reindeer when players mount up on a ground mount.

Curiously enough, this pet's breed ID was #3 for the longest time—a MALE!
I just happened to check and in patch 7.0.3 she's finally breed #13.
Guess the trans transition was a success!
No amazing stats but very good synergy with it's abilities. Call Blizzard and Ice Lance work well together. Ice Tomb can be really powerful if the opposing pet can't avoid. Especially dangerous to mechanicals with all elemental attacks. Good partners can be Tiny Snowman or a Kun-Lai Runt unless you run into lots of undead. Don't forget about Eggnog if you need some dispel or remove minefields.
Yes Cirdan, you can use all of the Winter Veil pets to battle outside of the holiday. Good stuff!
I must say that I love this pet. Despite being an uncommon, it has performed very well in pet battles.
Ice Tomb is a hard-hitting ability that stuns. Has a low cooldown weather ability in order to lock out less beneficial play-field conditions and allow for two hits from Ice Lance. She's a humanoid with a wide array of elemental attacks. She's a good replacement for an elemental on your team since the 4% health recovery is generally better than weather immunity. Excellent against mechs.
Also, if you do buy them, try to do it when there's an abundance on the AH. Come July-August, these pets can fetch as much as 10k+, depending on your server.