Storm-Touched Bluefeather

Air (flies alongside flying mount)
Flutters about.
Vocalization (on-click)
3 allowed
Patch 10.0.0 | Posted: November 28, 2022
This pet can only spawn during a Primal Storm in Thaldraszus.

Just got one. Flew to the location and the icon popped up on my screen saying it was a primalist event. The pets were easy to get. All level 1s. No blues. There was nothing on the main map to say there was an event there. Had to be at the location.
I have yet to see one during a primalist event and I've been looking for a while. :(
Are there certain parameters we're unaware of? Maybe a specific boss or type of primal storm?
I have yet to see one during the Primalist event. And not outside either. Been hunting for 2 weeks! Arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh !
battled ~50 or more in 4 trips, all grey, white, and green - no blue. There's about 9-10 spawn locations (easy to find), just fly in a circle around the colloseum. Fast respaawn, almost always at least 1 up.
They are level 25 in Thaldraszus and level 1 in the Primalist Future. I caught a green 25 (23) P/S near Tyrhold and a level 1 blue S/B in the Primalist Future.
So far all have been level 1 and green or lower quality. I wonder if where you find them might be why they are level 1 vs 25? I was in a temporal area that is "in the past".
I found two level 1 pets. Didn't realize it until I accidentally one-shotted the first one :(
Every single one I battled was level 25 - Not sure why they were showing as level 1 for the other commenter. Additionally, they did have secondary pets as well.
I've battled about 10 of them so far, all poor (grey) quality, which makes me believe these can be found in the wild only as grey quality. I will be using an upgrade stone on mine to make it a rare (blue) quality one.
Appears as a level 1 primary with no secondary pets during the primal storms, so make sure to bring your Terrible Turnip!