
Looks around, sniffing air with tongue.
Vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
Mists of Pandaria
Patch 5.0.1 | Posted: September 25, 2012

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A lot of these in Spires of Arak. lvl22-25, and both in blue and green/black skins. I found several rares in two breeds, though the P/S was the most uncommon breed I found at only one. I farmed them as seconds for about 3 hours on Malfurion/Trollbane around 1-4am while looking for other breeds of pets I was after.
Got tired of this not showing up as a addon in Eastern Kingdoms so I hopped on a horde toon and snagged one in Durotar. Hop back on high Alliance toon and continue going for rares in Stranglethorn and get two in a row as add ons. Â They were both poors though. Happy with my uncommon for now.
I'm surprised this guy doesn't get a higher rating as a battle pet. Slick is a P/B and I was delighted at how well he mows down the pets!Â
Selecting your snake's skin. If you find a snake, or any other pet that has different skins, it is easy to change them to one you want. I usually only do this if it, or one of the adds, is a rare I want. If the pet doesn't have the skin you want, simply surrender the battle without attacking. The pet will respawn withing a second or two with the same adds and all at the same rarity as before. However, the skins change at random. I did this 5 times until I got the rare snake with the dark blue skin.
The Nagrand map is wrong: they can be found as NPCs (not only as adds) in the rocky areas surrounded by Shattered Rumblers (earth elementals).
Adder is all over the place, I've seen them all around the barrens, and I think maybe eversong. They start at level 1 and go on up.
Typical Snake! My first snake to reach level 25 tough.
got mine in stv, still poor cause i was grinding for achivement
Hey guys. I been farming for a rare Adder in the Blasted Lands for 3 days and have no luck getting one. Does anyone know a better place to find them?
This is basically a very typical snake.
I just captured a level 7 Adder in Northen Stranglethorn as an addon to a Polly near the river.
I found mine as an add-on in Northen Stranglethorn
Don't know how many colors they range in. Currently I have 2 different skins. Hoping there isn't more than 3 as I'd like to have one of each. One is a solid blackish blue, the other is yellow with black stripes. A lot like the water snake and rattlesnake skins (unless they too come in multiple colors)
Mine came in as a 2nd level 8 fighter in Northern Stranglethorn outside of Grom'gol Base Camp.
got mine in STV