Zandalari Kneebiter

Zandalari Kneebiter
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Idles about.
Vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
Mists of Pandaria
Patch 5.2.0 | Posted: March 5, 2013
The Zandalari Dinomancers have a chance to drop three additional raptor companions:
Read more about this pet in our Pet of the Month!
Read more about this pet in our Pet of the Month!

S/S will solo Nitun almost every time in three rounds.
Black Claw + Hunting Party.
You can do the same thing to Lucky Yi and Ka'wi the Gorger, but for Ka'wi I use P/P and for Lucky Yi I use P/S. Nitun used to have 303 speed, so P/S was perfect, but that was changed in January 2016. The S/S breed is now the only breed that is faster than Nitun.
Don't forget that Leap will not only hurt, but it doubles speed for 1 round, for the killing blow.
Out of the Zandalari raptors, I went with this guy for two reasons. 1: He seemed to have the best moveset placement, and 2: The green head and purple body reminded me of the Green Goblin (so I named him Normie)
This pet is AMAZING in the legendary battles - especially Lucky Yi. I used black claw on the first round, then hunting party on 2nd - Yi died on the 3rd round!
I have a PP kneebiter which probably helps too.
Using the S/S version makes some Pandaria Legendary Beast fights trivial. I use it for Greyhoof/Gorespine/Kafi/Ka'wi/Nitun. Black Claw then Hunting Party. Often raptor dies but has now set up the opponent with Black Claw and double damage debuffs. Finish off with pet of choice, Mech with Ion Cannon for beasts or Lil' Bad Wolf for Critters.
Powerful in PvP as well but really vulnerable.
I like combine Black Claw with Build Turret and Call Lightning
This guy is a glass cannon. I have the P/P breed and he can do some devastating damage, but has almost no health.
Not sure who told people to go farm three of these and battle with them, but I just took out two guys in a row using three with a Lizard Hatchling, Cat and Core Hound Pup at the same level. Apparently that is not the best strategy. Or, are people trying to level them to sell maxed in the AH? (Still a bad strategy.)
I agree with the other commentors that the Kneebiter seems to have the lowest drop rate. I farmed with a friend today for a few hours and we had a hard time getting a second one. We had quite a few of the other dino's drop. It was worth the time though. We got some extra pets to auction and the Kneebiter is pretty darn cute! :D Happy Farming!
The "Kneebiter" seems to have the lowest drop rate. I've gotten 5 Toenibblers, 2 Anklebreakers and 1 Footslasher in about an hour. A few other people in general chat (Proudmoore) are saying the same thing.
Just make sure you interupt the heal and the dinomancers aren't too bad to kill with 2ml HP.
Edit: Perhaps not, after all that a friend went and got the Kneebiter as his first pet.
Very simple farm! I was able to solo the mobs that drop these (though they are level 90 elites, so keep that in mind) with a bit of kiting and a few bubbles as a badly geared 90 Shadow Priest. Got all four of the new raptor pets (plus a few extra for the AH) within an hour and a half. :) Good luck!
Not sure about the drop rate on this little cutie, but I just picked him up off the AH really cheaply!
Great colouring on this guy greeny mettalic shimnmer head and red body, similar sounds to the others dropped of the dino on the isle, has two big tusks :)