Raptors: WoW Battle Pets
Pets by Family
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Child of Jani — [Child of Jani]
Deviate Hatchling — [Deviate Hatchling]
Drop: Deviate Guardian, Deviate Ravager
Zone: Wailing Caverns [8-30]
Approximate Drop Rate: 1 in 555
Jingles — [Shaking Pet Carrier]
World Event: Feast of Winter Veil
Quest: You're a Mean One...(Alliance)/(Horde) [30]
Approximate Drop Rate: Unknown dropped from [Stolen Present]
Razzashi Hatchling — [Razzashi Hatchling]
Drop: World Drop
Zone: Northern Stranglethorn [10-30], The Cape of Stranglethorn [10-30]
Approximate Drop Rate: 1 in 10,000
Zandalari Shinchomper — [Raptor Containment Crate]
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