Fossilized Hatchling

Fossilized Hatchling
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Idles about.
Pit-pattering footsteps; vocalizations (on-click)
Archaeology required.
Cataclysm expansion required.
Cataclysm expansion required.
3 allowed
Patch 4.0.1 | Posted: December 7, 2010
This companion is a rare tier Fossil archaeology item. It is created by discovering and "solving" 85 fossil fragments.
Once completed, an entry on the Fossilized Hatchling can be found in players' archaeology tab: "When you finished assembling this tiny skeleton through some eldritch magic, the little critter sprang back to life. He's a pretty good pet. Since he's a skeleton, he doesn't eat much."
Level 0:

Great pet to start you off on your way. He is worth the effort in archaeology for a new pet battler. First pet I ever leveled to 25. He led the way for me on Outland. Him plus an H/H Clefthoof and Clockwork Gnome opened up the daily quests for me. I named him Holmes. Still one of my favorite pets.
I got her immediately as my second Fossil, shortly after Cataclysm first came out, right after my Fossilized Raptor. Sufficed to say, By far, one of my favorite pets, lets to Legs, Proto-Drake Whelp,and Feline Familiar. I keep her in my RP rotation, when I find that my Main Pets do not fit with my RP Alts' backgrounds.
For your garrison Menagerie pet daily: use this pet against the Goren team of Rockbiter, Stonechewer and Acidtooth. BONESTORM absolutely wrecks this team. He can't kill the opening pet Rockbiter, but by the time the Fossilized Hatching dies, the other two will be very low on health, allowing almost any other pets to mop up.
Ancient Blessing is a bleesing. Great pet for Panderia. Can help almost any team.
Lowish health for being undead, but comes with a powerful heal in Ancient Blessing. The Blessing also increases the health of the team so is quite a nice buff and AoE defense. Bonestorm is now a staple, if slightly overtuned, AoE. Also with 305 power and Claw critters that thought to make short work of this undead will think twice after being hit VERY hard. Very good, but very annoying to face, pet. I usually try and have a stun ready or try and lessen AoE damage with a Sandstorm.
This was first pet I maxxed to 25 when Pet Battles came out! was my staple "go-to" pet for all battles up till fighting epics and legends- still awesome! I owe 3/4 of my almost 450 pets now to this pet! Heals great, hits hard!
This is a pet I frequently suggest to new tamers. As an undead, it takes more damage from critters, so having a beast type attack available helps even the odds. It also has one of the strongest AOE attacks of all the pets, and a decent self heal.
great pet to battle aginst dragonkin. use this pet all the time, especially agianst pandaran pet tamers.
I used this little guy in my intital battle team, and he was the first to hit 25.
His heal is fantastic (and annoying to everyone else) and his one round resurrection can pound that final bit of damage.
Plus, 'BONE STORM' is very funny!
I'd recommend levelling him as your undead pet!
I was really lucky to get this guy! He was my 1st artifact! I was really lucky! I love having this little guy by my side. (: