
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Turns about; pulsates with red or blue lightning and fights other Warbots when fueled.
Pit-pattering footsteps; vocalizations (on click)
Fights with other Warbot pets when fueled with opposing color.
As of patch 5.0.1, this pet could be purchased from various vendors for 500 gold. When fueled, Warbots will attack nearby Warbots fueled with the opposing color. Warbot fuel of either color may be purchased from the same vendors who sell the Warbot.
Prior to 5.0.1, this pet was only available to players who created a Mountain Dew Game Fuel account before August 20, 2009. A Battle.net account was also required to redeem the pet. Upon signing into the promotion page, the player was able to redeem a Warbot in the mailbox of each current character on his/her account sent by Jepetto Joybuzz in Dalaran. 5x Red War Fuel or 5x Blue War Fuel were obtainable each day during the promotion so long as they were retrieved from a character's mailbox before midnight on the same day.

I got him while he was a promotional thing :D. I even have some of the original fuel
Tutonik, the pet attacks another Warbots with fuel of oposite colour. Its like a PVP bots! :p
Don't Forget to Get this Guy! I didn't get him for a long time because the pet journal shows him as a promotional pet, and I assumed out of reach for me. Then I saw him on sale in Stormwind from Craggle Wabbletop. He also has the fuel and several toys as well.
It the Fuel purely decorative or does it serve a purpose?
The stronger of the same types of bots. I bet you didn't know that the Rocket can be built and launched by any bot with the same ability. ^_^
This pet is amazing. Far better than the rating he has here. I use him in most of my teams. Rock Missle, Mine Field, and Extra Plating and its good stuff.
Warbot's Minefield hits the hardest. The Extra Plating makes 'em surprisingly durable. Making the Warbot one of the best Minefield pets for PvP. Only pet to maybe use instead would be Darkmoon Tonk, but you will sacrifice survivability and Minefield damage.
Does anyone use this guy in pet battles? If so, what are your thoughts?
350g for the Warbot & 17s50c for the fuel at Exalted
400g for the Warbot & 20s for the fuel at Honored & Revered