
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Idles about.
Vocalizations (on-click)
Reputation grinding required.
3 allowed
Mists of Pandaria
Patch 5.1.0 | Posted: November 27, 2012
To purchase this pet, players must first reach rank 3 with the Brawler's Guild faction. Ranks are gained by defeating waves of PVE challenges in an arena-type setting.
Participation in the Brawler's Guild is by invite only.
The price of this pet is affected by your standing (reputation) with Orgrimmar or Stormwind City.
Participation in the Brawler's Guild is by invite only.
The price of this pet is affected by your standing (reputation) with Orgrimmar or Stormwind City.

Really good versus any of the Mana Surge dragons like the Nexus Whelpling.
I paniced and flew out to stormwind and bought him the day after 7.0 launched. The vendor was still there and had the items for sale, but you can't do any of the challenges to improve your rank.
he can be aquired at rank 3 now just a heads up :)
Having a pet cast Arcane Storm before hand will allow you to use Haymaker without getting stunned.
Nice mechanical versus dragons. I think Jab and Overtune are the best choices in the first two slots. Clock'em is too fast to make good use of Counterstrike and if you chose Haymaker you won't have a useful spammable attack and most probably be cooldown locked.
With the speedboost from Overtune it can take out Death Adders quite easily, especially when paired with Dodge. Only real negative is it's somwhat low power, but not low enough to cry about.
I just got my Clock'em today and I am awfully happy I got to rank 4 as I was unsure I'd be able to as I play a healer (disc priest). Not as difficult as I'd have expected to get to rank 4, I got there in about an hour. This little guy is definitely worth the effort!
It should also be noted that the graphic does not represent the actual pet. Once summoned, the robot weilds a pair of over-sized spiked boxing gloves!! Really cool pet! totally worth the price paid for the invite.
Just wanted to add on the "note" of this pet. Invite is can also be obtained by killing one of any 3 rares in the new daily area down in karasang. It's how i got my invite and now i own one of these pets.
Got mine over the weekend - i found all of the bosses upto rank 4 in the brawlers guild quiet easy - DK frost :)
More like: "Created for one purpose and one purpose alone: to punch little dragons, as hard as it possibly can."
Horde vendor is located inside the Brawl'gar Arena (northern most building in Valley of Honor). You need to have rank 4 to purchase.