Race MiniZep
Race MiniZep Controller
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Ground (hovers)
Hovers about.
Whirring (constant); vocalizations (on-click)
Is destroyed by Lil' XT and Landro's Lil' XT.
1 allowed
Warlords of Draenor
Patch 6.1.0 | Posted: February 6, 2015
To earn the Race MiniZep, players must complete The Real Big Race (not to be confused with The Real Race) at the Darkmoon Faire, using the Rocketeer vehicle, within 20 tolls.

I used a slightly different strategy and completed the race in 17s. Hop 2 key and boost 1 key to the second gate. Take the second rocket on the left behind the rock. Use 1 key to boost to the reddish ledge. Run to Asmondgold’s jump point. Don’t jump east jump west with the 2 hop key. Now use 1 boost to get to the first check point. Spring to second check point with a 1 boost. Circle the check point if you have to until it’s done then using boost fly across to the land. The rest is the same.
I use this pet to defeat Gargra. You can almost actually level 2 pets if you get the rng right with the first pet. The speed boost is key and it is good vs beast too!
Go check out Asmongold's walkthrough on Youtube. There is a short cut that helps alot. It's by no means a sure thing. I spent about 80 tokens and got all but one of the short race and 2 of the big race ones.
I found this incredibly frustrating. I'm so glad I finally got it, but instead of proud I was just relieved that it was over.
IMO this is quite easy to get. Atleast compared to the Toy from "The Real Race", that one is a real pain in the ass.
It's a cool pet but I am not convinced it'll own in pet battles.
I FINALLY got this tonight, and tonight I am happy for pets being account wide. Never again
This achv is aweful way worse than the other one....have yet to bother further with it
I'm not sure I would have ever figured this out without a video. Even with the video as a guide it is challenging and sometimes frustrating, and I got motion-sick because of the jumping on the hillsides. But I got the Zep. And rocketing around - and over - Darkmoon Island in the Real Big Race is fun. Now to get the achievement for my wife... :)
Patti Earnhard is the npc that gives the quest for the achievement to earn this pet. She stands at the docks on Darkmoon Island opposite Malle Earnhard (the other race official). The introduction race quest with Malle must be completed before Patti will have the quest. Once you get the achievement Big Rocketeer: Gold, the Race MiniZep Controller will appear in your bags. This pet does not fly with your flying mount like the Darkmoon Zeppelin. Video of 20 toll race http://youtu.be/kKlyt7arZ6c.
Humm.. They are making you choose between Bombing Run or Decoy on this pet, and they think giving us Darkmoon Curse will make up for that. I think I will stay with my current Zep for now LOL