Anodized Robo Cub

Looks around.
Vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
Mists of Pandaria
Patch 5.1.0 | Posted: November 27, 2012
Level 0:

His first skill just misses too much. 50 % would indicate, that it is succesful at least half the time, but I often have 3-5 misses in a row and just 1 hit afterwards. Awful.
Use with wood chipper who is a good mechanical bleeder who also has rebuild so they can heal each other and this one can maul bleeding enemies
I can confirm locations along the pathways intersecting at 60.51, 53.12 South of Everlook and 58.00, 52.00 SouthWest of Everlook as well as at least 2 locations on the hillside North of Everlook at 60.00, 45.50 and 59.23, 45.51 in Winterspring, Kalimdor. There were none present last night but this morning they were plentiful so I suspect they have longer respawn times and are heavily farmed.
probably luck but i took all battlepets out, in and around everlook last night. This morning 6:37 server time , it was filled with anodized robo cups. Mostly gray ones though
Still seems rare occuring. Looked several times last few months - no luck. Tried yesterday after server reset hoping this woud help, still didn't see any. Took a leaf off previous comments playbook and battled all pets in/outside city, still no luck. Circled area without seeing any, made last swing by and saw/captured one (uncommon) just outside city gates. Box checked off, don't plan on wasting any more time looking, weak pet for battles really.
Just use a stone already and stop commenting on how long it took you to find a Blue. Yes, like 5% is Blue, the odds that it will take you a while to get one are really high.
My Fairweather Friend. When it's going good, it's going great. Unfortunately, the 50% on Demolish is more realistically closer to 20%. When it does land, it's glorious, but ultimately not worth all the misses. I got mine easily just going around Winterspring. I didn't know how rare they were until I started reading up here. I found 3 rare quality with no problem, but that was in 2012 or 2013, maybe they're more scarce now? It's a cool pet to have, just not very practical to have one that misses.
Got a poor cub tonight. I killed off all the robo-chicks 2X then all the rabid nut varmints 2X then the robo cub spawned. Hope this helps.
I was hunting for the Snowy Owl (Haven't gotten one yet unfortunately) when I randomly ran across one of these. Didn't even know it was a pet actually but caught myself an H/H and haven't seen one since.
The Agony of Killing a Blue...Today I was hunting for an elusive blue quality Cub. I’ve got a toon camped out in Winterspring and check a couple of times a day, killing off the pets that don’t have blues on the team, and finally, this morning I found one! In great anticipation, I right clicked on the cub and accidentally clicked on a wandering mob. Slightly annoyed, I tried again…and instantly, BAM-DEAD goes my precious Cub. NOooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo !!!
LOL, live and learn! :D
I finally got a rare on my draenei mage after 2 or so weeks of hunting for one. It was right outside the inn in winterspring. There's only two breeds, so that makes it easy. now for the robo-chick.
Im in winterspring right now. When i flew over there were tons of them and as soon as i landed they were all gone... WTF
only thing wrong i see with this guy is his demolish fails a lot
Seems like I'm showing up 2 years after the party :)
This one took some work. I had to park an alt in Winterspring because my main couldn't seem to find any cubs at all, except for a lone poor quality one. Finally this morning, 5 minutes before I had to go to work, I finally discovered a rare H/H. Hurray!
It took me FOUR days of camping and battling endless numbers of these, but I finally got my rare! And its breed is H/H!!! I could not be happier. Leveling her now. Yay!
on Sat 6-28-14, around 3:30 there were none to be seen. spent about 30 min killing the normal critters w/ no respawn.
logged back in around 8:30 pm same day and they were all over the place. Farmed four of them to the east side of Everlook for a Blue, a Green and two grey.
Finally got my rare one outside Everlook today. I already thought they didn't exist as rares, as I've tried for two days. I got literally every other pet in Winterspring at least once as rare, but most twice, during this time (and the Robo-Chick even three times), but not this one. I was quite happy when it finally happened. Mechanicals are just cool. :-)
I have 2 rare's of this pet. 1 H/H and 1 H/P, they are both amazing! Demolish just crushes beasts to bits, even with the 50% miss.
The main thing I use this pet for is against Dor the wall, the third pet of Hyuna of the shrines. Nether faerie dragon can take on the first 2 very easy, and then crush Dor with this guy, an easy team to level another pet with.
One of the coolest looking pets in my opinion. Hard to beat healthpool, but it is really really slow. Bite is weak, Demolish unpredictable. Maul does not hit as hard as some other pets with Maul. Newly boosted Rebuild is quite excellent, especially if you have more mechanicals in the team. I did Pierre(for bleed) and Lifelike Toad(for elemental protection), was pretty fun. All in all an ok pet that can be trouble to take out, but it really needs a bleed partner to do some work.
After camping this guy for the past week or more, I finally found TWO rares in a ROW. What luck, right before that I found my last rare Fluxfire Feline too. I've noticed if I kill everything around there, they start spawning randomly with the other pets (Robo Chick, Nut Varmint etc). Now I just need one more rare to be done with this area. He has 1.7k life at 25 and does nice damage, planning on leveling one to 25 to see what he can do.