
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Enveloped in blue fire and crackling lightning, and looks about. Leaves behind a trail of blue gas cloud as it moves.
Vocalizations (on-click)
Emoting /cheer while targeting Zeradar causes his head to detach and spin before returning to his body. Fights to the death with Grunty and Zergling.
Special promotion.
Other Blizzard Game Title Collector's Edition
Other Blizzard Game Title Collector's Edition
1 allowed
Warlords of Draenor
Patch 5.4.0 | Posted: September 1, 2015
This pet is a free gift for purchasing Starcraft II: Legacy of the Void Collector's Edition. This edition will be sold in stores (in limited quantity), but it can also be found on auction websites.
Level 0:

1-8 of 8
1-8 of 8

This pet is a possible reference to a Hero unit found in the original Starcraft Map Editor program:
A protoss Archon combined with ZERAtul/TassaDAR.
This IS the best looking pet I have seen so far. The seem to be getting better.
I'm so happy that I got mine, too. He is so cute and still very rare ingame. Didn't see anybody on my server running around with him yet. :)
Once he hit level 4, I used Illusionary Barrier to protect him and a second carry pet, the barrier lasts long enough to swap them both in. Then I took a lowbie alt and ran around to all the trainers in Eastern Kingdoms. She got XP, pets got XP, and the barrier kept my leveling pets from being hit. I'm liking this guy so far.
Well, I don't think any avid pet pvp players would tell you we need more AoE damage in the game. This pet is comparable to the fragment of anger in some ways (can hit backline pets in pvp, str.vs flying) but it has a possible dodge or 2 and the inferior racial.
Not a complete game changer, but it should be a useful magic family pet - one of the least popular pet pvp families atm. It may chase those 3 x moth teams away though....ouch on the backline!
Him and Graves on the same team will be an annihilation.
I can confirm that the additional damage of casting Psionic storm while Arcane Winds is active to non Flying pets (Icespine Hatchling, Roach, Rat) is 257 damage each pet for a total of 771 damage. Normal damage is 154 each pet or 463 total. He does weak attacks to Mechanical and unbelieveable to Flying.
This pet is amazing looking... not a bad moveset either!!!