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Portentous Present NEW!

Pets by Family Magic Miscellaneous Portentous Present
Portentous Present
Portentous Present
Not yet available in game.

World Event: Feast of Winter Veil

Portentous Present
Portentous Present
Binds when used
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Neutral Neutral
Will sometimes do a back flip, eyes will occasionally peer out of the box, and a tongue will dart out eating snowflakes.
1 allowed
The War Within
Patch 11.0.7 | Posted: December 17, 2024
Data not yet available.
Requires Pet Level:
Requires Pet Level:
Requires Pet Level:
Requires Pet Level:
Requires Pet Level:
Requires Pet Level:


Magic pets cannot be dealt more than 35% of their maximum health in one attack.


Damage Taken 

50% from Dragonkin abilities

33% from Aquatic abilities

Previous owners of the crate have reported the disappearance of other pets from their collection.
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