Nightmare Bell

Nightmare Bell
Binds when used
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds when used
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Air (flies alongside flying mount)
Idles about.
Vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
Warlords of Draenor
Patch 6.2.0 | Posted: June 23, 2015
Fel-Touched Pet Supplies is rewarded upon defeating a legendary "boss pet" in Tanaan Jungle.
There are a total of 15 boss pets to battle, each rewarding a single bag. There are no quests to pick up or turn in. Simply defeating a boss pet in Tanaan Jungle will yield a bag.
Players can battle each pet only once per day per character, resulting in a maximum of 15 reward bags for each character in one lock-out.
The Nightmare Bell is one of four possible pet drops from Fel-Touched Pet Supplies.
There are a total of 15 boss pets to battle, each rewarding a single bag. There are no quests to pick up or turn in. Simply defeating a boss pet in Tanaan Jungle will yield a bag.
Players can battle each pet only once per day per character, resulting in a maximum of 15 reward bags for each character in one lock-out.
The Nightmare Bell is one of four possible pet drops from Fel-Touched Pet Supplies.
Level 0:

1-10 of 10
1-10 of 10

160 plus and no Nightmare Bell...the search continues.
Must be a glitch or something....just got 3 of these in my 15 feel bags.....was hoping for another seaborne spore though
Just got this out of the Fel-Touched Pet Supplies that the Cursed Spirit dropped in Tanaan. Kind of excited to have such a rare pet drop, even if it's, you know... ...a bell? Now I'm just torn about whether to name it "Division" or "Alugosi".
just got this off Skril in Tanaan. my 3rd time fighting him. Might sell it not sure lol
219 bags opened, 2 calfs 3 or 4 spores and no nightmare bell :(
This is the only Magic class pet with Dark Rebirth(The only other pet actually to have it besides Dark Phoenix Hatchling) It has just enough speed to make it viable, you just need to pay attention to how much damage the other team can do per round to know when to pop it.
It has some really hard hitting unique abilities and once more people get ahold of them I expect more to be used in pvp. I named mine Drool... ;P
Okay; now we have a bell to add to the Book and the Candle.
Who should we exorcise?
Dropped for me after 27 battles.
Just *had* to name it "Shame" :)
Got this today off the bag from one of the legendary pets in Tanaan Jungle. Not sure which one... made the rounds for the first time and this fell out of one of the bags. Huzzah!