
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Idles about.
Emoting /dance while targeting it will cause it to begin dancing for a short period.
1 allowed
Patch 10.2.0 | Posted: November 7, 2023
Players can complete the achievement for this pet during the Claws for Concern World Quest in the Emerald Dream. Only 6 moonkin hatchling are required to complete the quest, so it's recommended to complete this across multiple characters, or join a raid to prevent quest progress on one character.

I just completed this quest on Runetotem-US today, I had 7 left to get and I made a raid group with a guildie and we were both able to get Blueloo and the achievement.
The quest is up this week (15th of november) on EU servers.
looks like this achievement is meant to be timegated. As i understand you would usually have to wait for this quest to come up 3 times to get 6 out of 18 each time. However when you are in a raid you can get all 18 in one go without them despawning on you once you have 6 for the wq.
Edit: Looks like the moonkins do disappear once you saved 6, at least i cant find any after doing the wq but you can cheese this as i mentioned.