Hateful Eye

Hateful Eye
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Air (flies alongside flying mount)
Hovers about.
Humming (constant)
3 allowed
Patch 7.0.3 | Posted: August 2, 2016
This pet is only available to Demon Hunters and Warlocks, however any class can summon it once it has been added to your collection.
To collect this pet, players must complete the following.
1. Reach level 105.
2. Learn the Tier 2 Order Hall Advancement talent, Twisting Nether (Demon Hunter - costs 100 resources) or Demonic Offering (Warlock - costs 100 resources)
3. Demon Hunters can click the floating stone next to Loramus Thalipedes to enter a special area. Clicking the book summons a demon.
Warlocks need the help of 2 other warlocks to summon a demon.
There is a total of 9 battle pets that can only be obtained by specific classes.
To collect this pet, players must complete the following.
1. Reach level 105.
2. Learn the Tier 2 Order Hall Advancement talent, Twisting Nether (Demon Hunter - costs 100 resources) or Demonic Offering (Warlock - costs 100 resources)
3. Demon Hunters can click the floating stone next to Loramus Thalipedes to enter a special area. Clicking the book summons a demon.
Warlocks need the help of 2 other warlocks to summon a demon.
There is a total of 9 battle pets that can only be obtained by specific classes.
- Ban-Fu, Cub of Ban-Lu (Monk)
- Broot (Druid)
- Nightmare Lasher (Druid)
- Crackers (Rogue)
- Hateful Eye (Demon Hunter or Warlock)
- Snowfang (Shaman)
- Bloodbrood Whelpling (Death Knight)
- Frostbrood Whelpling (Death Knight)
- Vilebrood Whelpling (Death Knight)
Level 0:

1-11 of 11
1-11 of 11

As a Lock I tried to find/create a group for the summoning thingy to no avail. Waste of time.
Easier solution: Though I dislike Elves and DHs, I leveled a silly Elf to a DH, aquired the class hall tech, then leveled him on in BfA to a sufficient overkill item level (~280), and got the pet on the first fight. (With DH no group required.)
If you think creating a DH just for one pet is too much, keep in mind you can keep the guy and use him as bank storage for reagents.
Biggest problem I had with this one was finding someone to kill the boss with as my DH is not a main and is still only 106. So I've killed the boss four or five times since Legion started - but got the pet today - so good RNG for me really.
It was a small bug.
today I can loot the demon.
Still no pet. But I can loot the demons...
I've been doing the summonable bosses almost every day since practically release and still no pet. This is the worst RNG I've had with a pet other than the Giant Sewer Rat which took me almost two full xpacs to fish up.
I'm 110 so I don't think level has anything to do with it.
I got my alt Warlock to 105 just do get this pet. It's got to have been at least two months of daily kills and I still haven't gotten it. Can anyone confirm that you don't have to be 110 to get it?
I have a warlock and a demon hunter I do this on every day ~ with no luck. Since you have to be in a group on the warlocks I have see about 5 drops but I have had no luck getting one for myself. I thought maybe it was going to the highest dps, but that is not true either. Who knows.....I'll just keep trying until I get one.
having extreme bad luck with this one-boss doesn't leave loot everyday
Finaly got mine from someone in my pug, he was able to share the drop with me as he already had one. Keep trying, if you are not lucky then maybe a friendly person in your group might be!
@Eeosa if its unique and not cageable i wouldnt get my hopes up :)
although it says 3 allowed, so maybe...
Has anyone had this drop for their DH more than once? I've been doing the boss everyday but only have 1 Hateful Eye.
Demon Hunters choose the Twisting Nether talent in their tier 2 Order Hall Advancement tree.
Warlocks choose the Demonic Offering talent in their tier 2 Order Hall Advancement tree.
Alternately, it should be possible to tag and help kill the summoned demon to get loot if you already chose the other talent for either of these classes before looking here. :)