Eye of Inquisition

Eye of Inquisition
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Air (flies alongside flying mount)
Hovers about.
Humming (constant)
3 allowed
Patch 7.0.3 | Posted: August 2, 2016
1-22 of 22
1-22 of 22

I finally got this on attempt 206. :-)
Nobody mentioned it, but Breanni's comment (HELLO. IS IT ME YOU'RE LOOKING FOR?) is a reference to a 83' Lionell Richie song "Hello" (with exactly the same line in it). And an exact one comment - 86.7% pet collectors is still looking for this pet.
I once LOVED the Eye Of Inquisition. I would use it in dungeons so people could follow my long trail of green smoke if they were lost, or just in general to have green smoke trail behind my Demon Hunter. But a recent Patch ruined that joy. They changed the effect around the Eye so that its linework is lime green (like Celestial Pets) and it only radiates light immediately around the eye itself, but the smoke trails were deleted! Why the change? My DH is sad and refuses to use it anymore. :(
seems to be tradealble now
There's a dead end circular room right at the end of the Halls of the Eclipse with 2 Inquisitors in, which have a re-spawn rate of about 2 to 3 minutes if you want somewhere peaceful to farm these as there are no other mobs in the room and you can sit far enough away from them as to not be attacked while you go and make a cup of tea between kills :)
I can confirm that they also drop off the LARGE elite felhold infernal looking things...I forget the name atm, but they are the large slow moving elites that roam the main paths....was not even camping it, just doing pet battles in the area for a spider, found a blue one I wanted, and killed the pathing mob so it would not aggro and interrupt the pet battle.... only 1 mob killed, and it dropped it /shrug
I figured this was pretty much non-existent and the I finally got the drop today, so excited! I was at Felsoul Hold 28.82, just outside the cave.
779 kills and it finally dropped...
I just got this today on my 387th kill (probably lots more than that counting alts, and prior to getting this addon). I got it outside the cave that everyone talks about. I started hardcore farming it last night, after 100 kills i went to bed, and tonight i did about 170 kills before seeing it drop.
I started to help a friend get his around 150 kills he got it, then i went for 3 days killing 500 and nothing, i help another get theres they get it on the first kill but gave it to me due to my grinding now im helping them get one again.
Got mine today while doing the Suramar questline with an alt in the Halls of the Eclipse. Got it on the 2nd kill. Previously, I tried to farm this with my main with no success. I'm thrilled that I don't have to farm this pet anymore. Whee!
On a rare stroke of luck, I got mine on my second kill in the area today. If only the WoW Pet Gods would shine upon me with that kind of luck more often. Thanks to the notes here, I knew where to go.
Got this today. My tactic: Small area with 6 Inquisitors outside, then into small cave 'Halls of Eclipse' which has 4. (29,84). There's a few additional mobs, but not many.
Working on finishing quests in Felsoul Hold and husband got one, he learned it before we figured out that was a bad move. Went back later same day took about 45 mins and one dropped for me, farmed in the areas mentioned in the comments. Thank You!
I farmed the outdoor area at the bottom of Felsoul Hold around 29,82 and the nearby cave called Halls of Eclipse. After about two hours of farming, the Eye dropped for me off one of the inquisitors in the cave. Someone mentioned below that they thought the drop rate seemed off--I agree, I don't think it is nearly as rare as one might be led to believe.
Been farming this one for awhile. Finally got one Christmas morning!
Great camp right at 30/83 (lower left of Felsoul crater area). You'll get six pops on the outside and another five inside of a small tomb that connects to it.
If you farm for the pet in a group, you will be able to trade it to anyone that was eligible for loot from the mob. As long as you don't learn it, it will have a 2 hour trade window available. Both my boyfriend and I where attempting to get it, and I got it to drop twice for me. Ended up trading it to him :)
Thank you Peanutty for your notes about Felsoul Hold. There are 6 inquisitors in close proximity (3 in the square room to the southwest, one in the hallway leading into that room, 2 more down the staircase from there and if you've got the place to yourself you can just keep running through them with almost no downtime.
It could be chance, but I do wonder if the location matters as others have suggested. I had been farming exclusively outdoors and had no luck. When I saw the mention of farming inside, I got it in under 90 minutes. Wowhead statistics are notoriously unreliabe, but it currently lists the drop rate at 0.06% (~1:1600) - there's no way it's anywhere close to that bad, and this stat might be explained if only some inquisitors (like those inside Felsoul Hold) drop the pet.
I farmed this for about 4 hours wth no luck. I picked up a few quests in the area and got 2 of them in about 30 min time. Not sure if this pet is some how tied into having active quests in the area. Or just a lucky coincidence.
I got 2 from a single mob at 29,82 within half an hour of each other. Good luck!
First was while farming it, 2nd was during a quest.
Both the dropped item that teaches the pet and the pet itself are BoP, therefore you'll have to farm this up yourself if you want it. Tradeable as of 7.3. The best place I've found so far is a large room just before the Felsoul Hold teleporter. There's 3 Felsoul Inquisitors in one end of the room, standing together, and another one that paths down the short stairs into the room.