Gusting Grimoire

Gusting Grimoire
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Ground (hovers)
Hovers and flaps its pages.
Vocalizations (on-click)
Trading Card Game promotion.
Loot code required.
Loot code required.
3 allowed
Mists of Pandaria
Patch 5.2.0 | Posted: February 21, 2013
This pet is redeemed through the common 'Floating Spellbook' loot card from the World of Warcraft Betrayal of the Guardian TCG expansion. The card may be scratched to reveal a code allowing access to this pet. The code may be redeemed at Blizzard's promotion retrieval page. The pet may be obtained in-game from Landro Longshot in Booty Bay.
Level 0:

Ermahgerd mah fravrit berks!
Same stats as Lofty Libram and 3 abilities(Shadow Shock, Amplify Magic and Curse of Doom) is the same. The other three attacks are a bit more diverse on the Grimoire. 2 DoT's and a very useful avoidance move. Just by the Meteor Strike alone this book feels more useful than the other one. The DoT's go well with Wild Magic type buffs, but beware of Sandstorm/Shields. Should be a solid pet, but to me it feels a bit on the weak side.
I still cannot redeem this. I have an original card I just scratched, received the code online. Went to redeem it in-game and it keeps giving me the "couldn't validate code. please try again". I deleted cache, wtf folders and disabled all add-ons and still no luck. Opened a ticket.
Update: Apparently I am an idiot and I had it in bags the entire time. That or the service department deposited it in my bags after I called.
what is this pets worth on the ah, i just dont wanna get ripped off any idear?
Just picked a GREEN version on AH lastnight. Aren't they all suppose to be blue now or are they not changing the one's already in-game?
I re-deemed one myself a few days ago and it was blue.
Anyone else still have or finding some are green still?
It's rare now in-game however Warcraft Pets still shows uncommon and rare...
It's official, the fact it's Uncommon is a bug. It's expected to be patched soon to be rare.
Pretty cool pet actually!
had to disable all addons and enter code manually...cutting and pasting would not work, kept telling me code was not valid...
Anyone experiencing a problem entering the code to redeem the pet? I entered my card code then received another. Went to Booty, talked to Landro, selected Grimoire copy/pasted code into the box and nothing. I did this three times. No pet in my journal....
**UPDATE- It was an add-on issue. I had to go into my ElvUI & disable it's skins With the default blizz redeem code box skin, it allowed me to enter the full code. Now I have the pet
Hmmm..Just tried to redeem my code at Landro is not showing that he has it. Hopefully this is a bug and I'm not getting screwed. I tried this again with landro but clicked on betrayal of the gaurdian instead of Timewalkers, found it there.
Aside from the fact it's uncommon, does anyone else feel this pet is useless in battle? The spells do not hit for much, and the Meteor spell most times does not miss or get dodged, it just doesn't do any damage at all. Like it was never cast. I levelled him up to 23 so far, but I cannot fathom using him in combat anymore. For me it's a waste. If anyone could shed light on properly using it, please let me know.
Don't despair. Cory Stockton tweeted yesterday about the uncommom quality Gusting Grimoire: 'It's a bug, we will hotfix soon.'
Also dissapointed with the uncommon quality of the Gusting Grimoire
I have to agree with all that have said but this being an uncommon pet is absolute BS. I have had the code to turn in for over a week and went ahead to get it this morning, all excited and looking forward to my new pet. I get the item and it's rare, learn it and it's uncommon. Not to sure if I am more upset or let down that I got lucky and found the card only to feel duped. All of my other tcg pet's are rare so why not this one.
I agree... Why is a rare pet uncommon? I guess it's ticket time cause this is BS.
seriously? uncommon? theres no mention of it being uncommon anywhere i just got mine, i have never gotten a magic stone despite farming whisp and slimelings for days and doing all 16 pet dailies nearly everyday and i have a ton that need them, i know im whining but come on :(
I too, just redeemed mine and it was an uncommon.
I just redeemed the pet and after learning it, it was uncommon quality? I hope this is a bug. Anyone else experience this?
Funny - wish I would have known that I couldn't redeem this until 5.2 BEFORE I went throguh all the hassle...Oh well....just can't lose my code I guess...
i have a card as well cant wait untill landro has it in booty bay