Lil' Bad Wolf

Spiky Collar
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Roars and strikes a pose. Occasionally sits and lays down.
Vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
Mists of Pandaria
Patch 5.3.0 | Posted: May 21, 2013
The boss that this pet drops from will be randomly selected from a total of three possible encounters during the Opera Event in Karazhan.
Collecting this pet is one of the requirements for the achievement Raiding with Leashes II: Attunement Edition, which rewards the pet Tito!
Collecting this pet is one of the requirements for the achievement Raiding with Leashes II: Attunement Edition, which rewards the pet Tito!
Level 0:

This is quite possibaly the easiest pet to level up. Take him to your garrison dock, battle seaguls and swap him in for 1 round, he'll get massive XP. You can get him from 1 to 25 in about 30 minutes.
Possible my best pet and I've had him in most of my pet battles I've done (Achievement of 1000 pet battles). I adore my Lil Bad Wolf, he's awesome and just the cutest thing ever. Definitely worth buying for 800G and got 2nd one from Karaz drop.
rare but should be epic :) love this one
I hate Karazhan. Bought this guy for 850g on Shandris. Well worth it.
This pet is capable of soloing Epic and Legendary pets with Claw, Dodge, and Howl. My pet is P/S and is often faster than most other pets, resulting in Dodge lasting for two attacks. With Howl, Claw tears through most pets in two to three hits. It is imperative to make the hits count as its health pool is rather low and will not last too long against other heavy hitters.
Tell me I'm not the only Whovian who named it "Rose".
Quick solo run last night and this lil'guy dropped unnoticed until selling off junk at the end. SURPRISE! It prompted me to come here and join to start looking more. :)
He is the ultimate Critter killer! A Humanoid (Bonus Defense) with all Beast (Bonus Strike) attacks.
Comes in many breeds. P/P got 341 power so that will really hurt. I got S/S one and I use it extensively against the critter Beast of Fable and is quite a powerhouse in PvP. 325 speed with Dodge is often good enough. Add a Howl to that and your opponent is going to have to make a difficult choice. Don't really see any use for counterstrike on the S/S breed, on the P/P breed it might be the most useful Counterstrike in the game so far. Quite an excellent pet.
Excellent battle pet! I have the P/P breed, which is sloooow, but that's what Counter Strike is for. He's also the super cutest companion and I like giving him the enlarging biscuit when I conduct business on my worgen alt. I've only had him drop once from two BBW events and I ran Kara weekly on one toon from May something to mid August. Double RNG stinks but if you're lucky you can buy him cheap on the AH.
Have had the RRH opera 3 times so far and this lil guy has only dropped once
I've been running kara for months to no avail. Only got BBW once. A guildie happened to loot him during his kara run and gave him to me today.
I couldn't be more happy. He is so cool.
Was fortunate enough to loot this on my first run for it! :-)
have ran kara with at least 6 toons every week from 5.3 get the BBW event once maybe twice and have yet to see this pet.
Sad story: On my hunter, got the Big Bad Wolf Opera the 1st time, lucky me! Smacked wolf, got charmed, my pet killed him. GM's response was it's a known bug if the pet gets killing blow, no loot drops. He confirmed with logs and suggested to dimiss pet before engaging. Any class, any pet, put it away. Happy ending though! The very next week, I got the Lil Bad Wolf, and today I got a second one to give to my hubby =) Shine on you crazy diamonds! *Star*
Not too sure if this is a 100% drop chance or a higher drop chance than the other pets, may be because you have a 1 in three chance of getting the LRRH event event.
Double RNG is rather nonsense. I'm at 7 runs -- once with BBW -- and still no pet.
Got this guy on my first run on my second week of Kara, got Oz first week and this is by far my favorite pet. I LOVE his animations, he drops on his fours to run, crules up to fall asleep and hunches to sit down. Named mine Sweet Tooth from the description and a HUGE Twisted Metal fan.
I ran three toons through full clears and got one of each opera event. This guy dropped from the wolf on my first try. No other pets from anyone, though. Maybe next week!
Had attempted Kara 3 times, with different toons and this pet droped on my first Little Red Riding Hood encounter. Woohoo!
A very cute little monster, don't stop trying to grab him, especially as Kara is now soloable. :D