Crested Owl

Air (flies alongside flying mount)
Flutters about.
Vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
Mists of Pandaria
Patch 5.0.1 | Posted: September 25, 2012

1-13 of 13
1-13 of 13

got a rare 2nd try H/B, right near the owl vendor. Seems like i've exhausted my luck, judging by the cooments i've read.
This is my baby! 1st rare 1st to level 25. Need I say more. For a pet battle pet this guy can & will get the job done. Just be careful who you battle with.
Been after a rare quality pet all day. Â Decided to take this opertunity to level up all my Rare Level 1 pets to level three while searching for this pet. Â Well, these are all done and now I'm, leveling my green pets. Â After over two hundred kills, I've still have yet to see one rare version of this bird, but looking on the bright side, I don't have any level 1 or 2 pets any more.
Update- After 7 hours of farming got a rare @ 63.50, 58.26. Good Luck to you all!
wow, after reading the comments below, I was prepared to spend some time farming this little guy - first one ends up being a rare! what luck!
I have captured and released several of these, and it still will not count in my meta achievement no matter how many times I log and relog. I have deleted the wtf file, etc. Any help would be appreciated! Thanks. :)
I'm leaving this comment just in case other people have *really* bad luck. I've captured almost all wild pets and then upgraded them to rare, and out of them all, *this* seemingly normal little owl takes the prize for biggest pain in the butt. Thankfully there are tons of them in Teldrassil, so you can constantly pull them in your search, but I have checked more than *200* of them without a single rare.
Even if I'm just having really bad luck on this one, I can compare this to all the other 250+ wild pets I've upgraded and tell you that rares are harder than most.
I started around noon EST. I retreat from battle if not rare, and kill it afterward so I don't end up getting the same one twice. It took about 40 until I finally got my rare.
For those who had previosuly caught one and it did not count - yes catch another and log / relog and it will show :)Â Whew a few trap / releases and I got my blue.
i got one...but it didnt count towards my Safari =(
Could have sworn I caught this with the wrogen DK i rolled specifically for Allie friendly pets. Apparently I didn't. So happy Blizz changed pet battles to be available at level 1. As an extemely lazy hordie I made a NE and got my owl :)
First one I caught was a rare blue. Found it slightly north of Ban'ethil Hollow. Good luck!
Yep, I snuck into nelf homeland last night (I`m Horde) and got my Rare of this one and the Fawn. Took about 20 tries of both. Btw I always use a macro to see if they are rare as the battle starts. If not I either wave the white flag to save time, or kill them for more pet XP.
Plan to team this fellow with my Dark Whelpling, use Call Darkness, swap and Nocturnal Strike is 100% hit.
Anyone gotten a rare (blue) one? I've caught and released a lot of these.