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Oasis Void-Duster

Pets by Family Flying Moths Oasis Void-Duster
Oasis Void-Duster
Oasis Void-Duster
Rating: 3.20 / 5 — Rate it belowRating: 3.20 / 5 — Rate it belowRating: 3.20 / 5 — Rate it belowRating: 3.20 / 5 — Rate it belowRating: 3.20 / 5 — Rate it below
3.20 77 votes
Rating: 3.42 / 5 — Rate it belowRating: 3.42 / 5 — Rate it belowRating: 3.42 / 5 — Rate it belowRating: 3.42 / 5 — Rate it belowRating: 3.42 / 5 — Rate it belowRating: 3.42 / 5 — Rate it below
3.42 48 votes

Pet Battle: [23-24] Uldum

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Neutral Neutral
Ground (hovers)
Flutters about.
Vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
Battle For Azeroth
Patch 8.3.0 | Posted: January 14, 2020
Only level 120+ players that have unlocked the Uldum Accord faction and World Quests in the updated Uldum zone will be able to see this wild pet spawn.
Level 0: Health 0Power 0Speed 0
Requires Pet Level: 1

100% Hit Chance 


Attacks the enemy with 1-3 blades of wind, dealing 197 Flying damage per attack.

Vs. Aquatic

Vs. Dragonkin
Requires Pet Level: 10

100% Hit Chance 


Blasts the enemy with a beam of arcane power, dealing 295 Magic damage.


Damage increases by 98 each time it is used. Max 492 Magic damage.

Vs. Flying

Vs. Mechanical
1 Round Cooldown
Requires Pet Level: 2

50% Hit Chance 


Launches a barrage of smelly pheromones at the target, each dealing up to 197 Flying damage and has a 50% chance to reduce the target's speed by 25% for 3 rounds.

Vs. Aquatic

Vs. Dragonkin
4 Round Cooldown
Requires Pet Level: 15

Increases your chance to dodge an attack by 100%.


Lasts 1 round.

3 Round Cooldown
Requires Pet Level: 4

100% Hit Chance 


Deals 295 Magic damage to the enemy's active pet and 177 Magic damage to the enemy's backline pets.

Vs. Flying

Vs. Mechanical
Requires Pet Level: 20

Increases your critical strike chance by 75% for 3 rounds.



Flying creatures gain 50% extra speed while above 50% health.


Damage Taken 

50% from Magic abilities

33% from Beast abilities

Uldum — Kalimdor
1-10 of 10
Rating: 0   [Report]

Found this pet today at /way 61.20, 14.98

Apr 8, 2023 at 7:49pm | Edits: 0 | Uther-us | Pets: 1419 Compare collections | Score: 11101
Rating: 0   [Report]

It may be bug or somthing but i managed to find a void-scarred locust as a side pet without doing all of the quests. Because iread soemthing like this while i was tryign to get it so i was kinda sad becuase i was doing it for like 45 minutes but then a void locust appeared as a side pet and i was confused lol

Dec 21, 2021 at 11:57pm | Edits: 0 | Garrosh-us | Pets: 146 Compare collections | Score: 918
Site MVPHawg 
Rating: +2   [Report]

Don't be an idiot like me and fly arround for days wondering why you can't find any of these at the locations mentioned.   It turns out that you must have unlocked the different phase of the zone introduced in patch 8.3.


That means you need to have done the quest line introducing you to the Visions of N'Zoth invasions to Uldum and Vale of Eternal Blossoms.   If you have not done these quests, you will not be able to see any of the pets from that patch 8.3.  There is a helpful guide here


For the drop pets from patch 8.3, you can get those from the Auction House.


For the Wild Pets you can only get after having done the questline mentioned above and taming the pets in a battle, those include:



Oasis Void-Duster



Void-Scarred Locust



Golden Chirper







Feb 20, 2021 at 6:39am | Edits: 1 | Silvermoon-eu | Pets: 1619 Compare collections | Score: 12952
Top RaterArdrak 
Rating: 0   [Report]

Found as a grey quality primary in Uldum during N'zoth assault at 47.02 43.51.

Sep 4, 2020 at 6:20pm | Edits: 0 | Dun Modr-eu | Pets: 1747 Compare collections | Score: 13972
Rating: +1   [Report]

Found as a grey quality primary in Uldum during the N'zoth assault at 47.35, 42.49. Happy hunting!

Jan 24, 2020 at 11:20am | Edits: 0 | Mazrigos-eu | Pets: 1824 Compare collections | Score: 14493
Rating: +1   [Report]

Common quality found as a primary near trees at the Vir'naal Oasis.

Jan 16, 2020 at 8:15pm | Edits: 0 | Suramar-us | Pets: 1822 Compare collections | Score: 14570
Rating: +3   [Report]

I found as a backline pet of a Mac Frog around 60,60

Jan 15, 2020 at 10:57pm | Edits: 0 | Mal'Ganis-us | Pets: 1767 Compare collections | Score: 13584
Rating: +3   [Report]

Confirmed picked up one when I started the new quests in Uldum under a palm tree. Flew around doing pet battles in Uldum to see what I could find and saw them all over the region as secondaries, got a rare around 35.50, 69.01, by Ruins of Ammon. No breeds showing yet so I kept 3 until I figure out which ones to keep :). Also found a few Void-Scarred Locusts. 

Jan 15, 2020 at 3:00pm | Edits: 0 | Rexxar-us | Pets: 1426 Compare collections | Score: 11404
Rating: 0   [Report]

Easy to find on Uldum, its is extra pet on battlepet, also Void Nova its good.

Jan 15, 2020 at 2:37am | Edits: 0 | Nemesis-us | Pets: 970 Compare collections | Score: 6765
Rating: +5   [Report]

Got both Oasis Void-Duster and Void Scarred Locust around 61.5 49.0 in Uldum.   The void-scared Locust was a back line pet for new and old wild pets.

Jan 14, 2020 at 10:07pm | Edits: 0 | Dalaran-us | Pets: 1576 Compare collections | Score: 12581
1-10 of 10

Nobody is sure what sort of powder is coming off of these moths, and everyone is too terrified to find out what it actually is.
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