
Air (flies alongside flying mount)
Flutters about.
Wing flutter (constant); vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
Patch 7.3.0 | Posted: August 29, 2017

The Location tab says it's only found as an added pet. That's not true. There are a couple that can frequently be found as a primary, near the Destiny Point portal.
The H/H breed with Consume Corpse gives great staying power and alternating Poison Spit with Reckless Strike can really dish out some amazing damage for a pet with nothing invested in Power. Seems to work very well as a finisher in PvP.
I wanted to add that the over-top-of-lava-pools spawns share a location with non-pet critters, and that several of the Bilescourge flying in these locations are not reachable for the purpose of initiating a pet battle. Just initiate whichever you can reach, then ranged kill anything left, and wait for a respawn to see if you get anymore pet spawns. That said, I don't know if there is a hidden timer on the pet respawns, as it's been a while now since I last saw any.
I thought I would leave a note here. The map says that it can only be found in a pet battle. However, I found a few of them flying around in a fel pool outside of Krokul Hovel, near the portal. Once you go through the cave, you can get access to the pools. Just go over to one until you see one spawned. About 3 were up at the time. It was a front line pet I was able to capture. The backline pets were: one Bilescourge and one Bile Larva.