Gilnean Raven

Air (flies alongside flying mount)
Flutters about.
Vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
Mists of Pandaria
Patch 5.0.1 | Posted: September 25, 2012
The Gilnean Raven is a trainable pet in Mists of Pandaria. However, only Worgen are offered this option from Battle Pet Trainers. Once learned, all characters will have access to this pet. Worgen may also learn this pet from Audrey Burnhep in Stormwind.
NOTE: Once this pet is learned, it cannot be learned again from the trainer even if the pet is caged and sold.
Level 0:

Call Darkness + Nocturnal Strike is a solid combo as part of a darkness team. Arguably, this one isn't the best choice though (you normally want a bit more power since this combo is all about big fat damage, and the bird buff gives you a speed bonus anyway) but definitely a solid option. Biggest downside is the lack of any other utility. Still, definitely a staple pet in a darkness team.
Mainly raised this pet for my Worgen, for the aesthetic. Turns out they are a powerhouse. Named mine Roxane.
The other day i saw a S/S raven on the AH for 800k with a min bid of 1800 and i took a shot and bid on it... within an hour i won
i just resold it today for 800k (area-52)
fantastic snipe -- BUT i would be lying if i said i didnt want to keep it, i was tempted to post it for 1.5 million lol
To B/B, or not to B/B; that is the question.
What is the best breed for this pet?
Yeah.. mine takes off as soon as I switch to flight form. It seems to be the only one to do it. All the other flying pets I have stay with me.
So not sure if it's just me or what, but soon as I take off into the air, he leaves.
This raven was my first ever level 25 pet! I run with Alpha Strike, Call Darkness, and Nocturnal Strike.
I can't buy this (she isn't selling it) from Audrey Burnhep, even though I'm a Worgen and revered with Gilneas. I also checked with the guy in Darkshore. They only sell battlestones now. Am I missing something? Is the only way to get this on the AH now? (March 2017). Thanks.
Apparently I already had one. It was just Uncommon, not Rare. Sorry.
Was looking for a S/S breed for months on the AH.
Finaly i got one level 25 for 8k !!!
The new model broke the animations. Well done, Blizz.
I am very disapointed in that the new model doesn't look like a raven anymore. It's the beak!
Got a fairly cheap P/B on the AH recently—still cooler than B/B. I wonder if it's worth searching for S/S, or I should just stone this one? What surprises me is that the extinct breeds still do occasionally appear on the AH. I'd have thought they would be long sold away by now.
Finally replaced my B/B with an S/S; somebody was selling in trade...
asked how much they wanted...they said idk 5k?
*don't sound too exicited, don't sound too excited, don't sound too excited*
tfw you buy an S/S Raven for 8k. then send the guy another 12k in the mail to make yourself feel better :'(.
Darkness Teams included: Spectral Spinner, Death Adder Hatchling, Dread Hatchling, Widget the Departed, Bone Serpent, Frostfur Rat/Ghastly Rat as undead killer Darkness carry.
Brian, as per Thirroxin's comment of Dec 23 2013, only B/Bs are sold now. Others exist that were bought previously. If you are looking for the Call Darkness - Nocturnal Strike moves in an S/S build, the Crow is a good alternative. For a Power build, the Dread Hatchling is way more powerful than either Ravens or Crows, devastating for Vale aquatic levelling.
I've rolled up 14 worgen (and deleted all but 3) just to get something besides a B/B raven and no luck. Are there other breeds besides balance/balance?
I have just bought a S/S raven on AH for 4,3 K . Someone obviously had no idea about what he was selling. :-)
I just picked mine up in Lor'danel on my Worgen, I had a "DOH!" moment when I realized I had never grabbed her on my level 100 hunter.