Shimmering Aquafly

Air (flies alongside flying mount)
Flutters about and grooms face; generates glowing clouds and particles.
Buzzing wing flutter (constant); vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
Patch 7.0.3 | Posted: August 2, 2016

1-3 of 3
1-3 of 3

Nowhere near as bad as collecting the Minfernal or Unborn Val'kyr - at least not when you're geared well. Do be careful not to use AOE, however, or you'll also kill the nearby pets.
After capturing one during the world quest, all the others disappeared off my mini-map. I assumed this meant it was only available during the world quest. I flew off to do something else and when I came back 5-10 minutes later I saw more and was able to gather what I wanted. Must have been a coincidence.
This had to have been the worst pet for me to gather. Surrounded by pesky critters that sometimes swarm you. It took me an hour (and a few deaths) to clear a path until I could get to the one crappy grey Shimmering Aquafly I could reach.
At that point I didn't care. I'll upgrade it to rare myself instead of farming for better.
Lots found near/in Lunarwing Shallows, Val'Sharah