Sapphire Firefly

Ground (hovers)
Flutters about and grooms face; generates glowing pink clouds and particles.
Buzzing wing flutter (constant); vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
Warlords of Draenor
Patch 6.0.1 | Posted: June 23, 2015
The Sapphire Firefly has a unique spawning mechanic. It has multiple spawn points, yet only a single spawn will appear in Spires of Arak at any given time. There will always be one spawn available, though.
Once the Sapphire Firefly has been captured or defeated, a new one will immediately pop up in the zone. It can appear at the same location in which it was captured, or it can respawn elsewhere.
In Legion, this wild pet can sometimes be found in the Dalaran (Broken Isles) Underbelly as a secondary wild pet.
Once the Sapphire Firefly has been captured or defeated, a new one will immediately pop up in the zone. It can appear at the same location in which it was captured, or it can respawn elsewhere.
In Legion, this wild pet can sometimes be found in the Dalaran (Broken Isles) Underbelly as a secondary wild pet.

The Underbelly secondary hint is fantastic. Not only does it show up as a secondary, it does so frequently. 3 out of 4 for me. Don't bother running around Spires -- you'll get it in minutes in the Underbelly.
I speculate that it shows up at the same rate whether you're fighting blind rats or war turtles. I was 1/1 on rats and 2/3 for turtles.
I didn't even know that this pet exists when, suddenly, spotted while travelling across Spires of Arak. Did battle, tamed. Not more than 5 mins later second appear ;))). Tamed as well. Now proud owner of H/S and B/B one. PS. Both were POOR quality, had to use stone...
So i found him.... but every time i get close he phases out. No idea how to fix this...
Sapphire Firefly spawns as a level 25 in the Underbelly as a joining pet when fighting the Blind Rat or the Mutant Warturtles in Legion.
Well this is embarrassing....I've come back to WoW after a break away and I was just putzing around Spires and saw this little guy. 'Oh, I don't have that yet' and away I went. Had no was late at night server time as I'm not in the US, so that might have had something to do with it.
I got really really lucky I guess. I started looking for this one just today because I got a Swamplighter Drone as a hunter pet and wanted a battle pet that looked just like it. I have waterflies but they are a different color blue. I looked here for info and dropped a waypoint where the first comment i saw with a waypoint was but found mine after wandering a slightly different direction at 45.58, 62.13 right outside the bonus objective area in Southwestern Spires.
Last pet for the zone. Found him on a brief sweep after my daily with Vesharr. Uncommon H/B....stoned up to rare, like everything else I get tired of camping for. ;)
Couldn't believe my luck yesterday! After stumbling onto a Crimsonwing Moth, I flapped over to Spires to do more pointless digging. While having an argument with one of the cats over who should be there, I saw this little guy right before I unleashed Reign of Fire. *Whew* After winning said argument with said cat, I quickly tagged this baby and got him with only 10 health left! Eeep! I really thought I was going to accidentally kill this one, but he was tough eough to last. Battles await!
Found mine today. Just flying around spamming my /tar Sapphire at 37.99, 41.98. Good luck all!
Just got mine a rare! at 56,42. I didn't go crazy camping this little guy I just checked the spawn spots. with the Add On Collect Me. and he was there :)
Just came across this guy while doing the Pet Battle Bonus week, he is poor quality but tomorrow I will buy a rare upgrade stone so yay! Now for the Crimsonwing and I will be happy!
I just got mine at12:39 AM at 45,6 62,0
Just got my uncommon at (58, 68) at 4:40 am
A collection of Sapphire Firefly and Crimsonwing Moth locations:
I was just going to get Leorahj when I saw a name I didn't recognized. Engaged it and it is a rare. Woohoo. Location (52,70)
Found on my first try @ 59.20 69.64
38, 42 - Spires
Got it exactly where everyone said it would be. Thanks!
Finally!! Just found one 09.00 am CET at 56.8 - 41.9 and it was a rare :D happy happy
I found mine at 45, 61
Adding a location: Found a Poor P/B in a Goretusk field north/northwest of Axefall, around 37.97, 42.21 (a pig pushed me). It's across the road from the Writhing Mire.
It'll quite do the job!