
Captured Firefly
Binds when used
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds when used
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Air (flies alongside flying mount)
Flutters about and grooms face; generates glowing pink clouds and particles.
» Video
Buzzing wing flutter (constant); vocalizations (on-click)
Burning Crusade expansion required.
3 allowed
The Burning Crusade
Patch 2.1.0 | Posted: May 29, 2007

Captured Firefly
Item Level 20
Binds when used
Use: Right Click to summon and dismiss your firefly.
"Still flying..."
Sell Price: 12 50
The [Captured Firefly] item originally included the flavor text, "Still flying…", providing a clever reference to the Joss Whedon television series of the same name.

s/s dropped on my 99th kill today, very lucky. There aren't so many fireflies to farm and I did need to wait a bit for respawns. Good advice down below to realm hopping to get around this.
623 attempts. :)
Got one after 682 kills at around 41,35. It was raining (not sure but I think its always raining?). Parked my 110 Mage overnight and got the drop on my first run at around 8:00am server time. Good luck all on this pet.
i've been farming this pet for years. easy money if you ask me. i just went looking for it today 3 kills lol, 17k in about 3 hrs.................................................
Hai, so I realized I still needed this pet so I thought I'd give it a try. While farming between bg ques I was able to snag this pet with 94 tries! Rarity kept track of it and I was so happy. Goodluck to all the others farming this pet! and Yes it was raining in Zangamarsh when it dropped :)
took about 30 minutes in the rain, about 50-60 kills, then bam, in the bag
You can kill two birds with one stone farming. You need 30 Glowcaps and Exalted with Sporegarr to get the Tiny Sporebat. The Glowcaps are all over the area where you farm for the Fireflies. You could easily get 3 sporebats for yourself and a few to sell by the time you finally get the Firefly to drop. Just farm between to two dots on the map on the previous tab that shows where the Firefly is. --- Update, Sporebat not sellable --- Update 2: took 1186 kills. I was realm hopping to reduce wait time for respawn. Got it. Left group and returned to my realm. Realized bags were full and did not get pet. Crying.
--Update, 800 kills later I got another one.
Got one today from BMAH for 4,8k... it is every single copper worth :)
I finally got it today after 837 attempts! It was raining in Zangermarsh when it dropped. I do not know if that helps the drop rate.
Luck was smiling on me this morning :) Been running through the area maybe once or twice a day with 20 or so Bogflare Needlers killed each time. Managed to snag him on my 297th attempt (since installing Rarity). My only advice to those still farming is to not give up, and take breaks so you don't get burnt out killing all those Needlers nonstop. I really did not expect to get him so soon. Best of luck to all who are still hunting!!
2 days of farming, over 2000 kills and still no luck. :(
Edit: Finally got it on my 3375th attempt. Levelled 4 times from level 66 to level 70.
Got mine on my 13th kill. Wow... such luck :O
Got mine after only 10 kills. Lucky. Around 45, 35.
Been grinding for this for days on end- still no drop. Glad it is a slow period before WoD drops!
Finally got it! The grinding (for this) is finished- now what is next?.....
Well, I'm up to 1810 kills and nothing. I've been farming non-stop for 9 hours. I've logged up 16 hours in the last 2 days. I've seen a couple of people jump in front of me, kill a few and fly off...did they get my Firefly?
So much for the 1500 drop rate! Grrrr.....
Well its now 2713 and 17 hrs and still no fly.
3270 and 22 hrs (3 days) and you guessed it still no pet!
Am I the most unlucky player for this drop I wonder?
3671 and 4 days - I give up!
Just got mine on my lvl 90 lock. I tried before tea for about 20 mins and no luck, logged on after dinner to try my luck and it was raining and it dropped on my first loop.
Just got mine in Zanga Marsh today it just happened to be raining I was on my level 90 mage was my first try and took just 10 minutes.
I had been farming this guy for 3 days straight, over 21 hours and 2375 kills with my level 71 warlock. I was really starting to think that I would have to come back to this one later, but then I switched to my level 90 mage and 7 kills later it DROPPED!
Is there something in the algorithim that takes into account level? Well, I will leave that for the scholars to discuss, while I enjoy my firefly.
Farmed this little guy for about a week. I installed addon KillTrack to count number of times I slaughtered Bogflare Needler (that is the mob that drops this). Count was at 90 but I had killed many more because I only installed the addon yesterday. Rough guess about 700.