Blossoming Ancient
Blossoming Ancient
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Occasionally stretches and yawns. Spawns a small bed of flowers at its feet during the spring. A small ray of sunlight will shine down on it during the summer.
Vocalizations (on-click)
Changes foliage color depending on the seasons. (See Alternate Skins above.)
Requires purchase from Blizzard Store.
1 allowed
Mists of Pandaria
Patch 5.3.0 | Posted: May 21, 2013
This pet is available for digital download exclusively from the Blizzard Store. It may be purchased using any major credit card. Players who purchase this pet will receive a code which may be redeemed on any WoW account. All WoW accounts (of the same region) under one account will have access to this pet. Codes may also be purchased as gifts for other players.
This pet's appearance will change depending on the season (see Alternate Skins above). It has blue leaves during the winter, bright green leaves with flowers in spring, light green leaves in the summer, and orange-red leaves in autumn.
This pet's appearance will change depending on the season (see Alternate Skins above). It has blue leaves during the winter, bright green leaves with flowers in spring, light green leaves in the summer, and orange-red leaves in autumn.

Okay, so this guy changes color....good. I was annoyed that he was just a drab blue when I summoned him for the first time.
This pet is absolutely phenomenal. I use it quite regularly as part of a Sunlight team along with a Soul of the Aspects and Zao, Calfling of Niuzao. But it does have exploitable weaknesses, as all pets in a Sunlight team tend to.
Forced swapping, frequent weather changes, and consistent Aquatic damage are the banes of this pet. Do not use a snail if you intend to use Aquatic damage, as the cooldown on Dive is too long to harass the Ancient consistently.
This pet is a Graves killer. Add Singing Sunflower and you tend to not even need a 3rd pet to kill ppl who use graves and undead in PVP. The only team I have come up against that was a challange was a team of Darkness casters. (Bone Serpent x2 and Graves.) The thing is... Elementals ignore the effects of darkness so the Bone Serpents only have a 50% chance to hit you with Nocturnal Strike. I think the team eventually won later in the night when they switched out Bone Barrage for Consume.
I encountered team of Blossming Ancient,Singin sunflower and Chi-chi.When I saw a team, first though was that ill loose but I did not.It was one of the best and longest fights I ever had and my team was: terro hatch,zomstrok and mech panda dragon. Sunny day have won me the fight:).
This pet is like having a bottle of 409. You can use it to wipe out ANYTHING. I use it against the pet trainers all the time and it usually solos anything you can throw at it (albeit slowly)...even stuff it's weak against. Ironbark/Photosynthesis/Sunlight is the most effective combo of skills I've seen on any of my pets.
Should be illegal ... no chance to win against such a strong heal. Guess this is what real money can buy.
This pet has incredible self heal, it is not easy to kill. I solo with it sometimes.
Finally got mine today :) I didn't see it mentioned anywhere, but when it's fall time and the tree is in the multiple colors skin, it also does an animation where he holds his arms out and leaves fall from him (like how leaves fall off the trees in the fall IRL). Was surprised I hadn't heard about this animation and it's super cool :)
This pet is pretty much invincible against wild pets with ironbark, photosynthesis, and sunlight, but I still don't really recommend using it for that because it takes it forever to kill anything, especially any opposing pets that can also heal.
This i my go to pet when I'm trying to capture a rare. His dps is low enough not to accidently kill the rare pet I'm after. His healing ability is high, so I don't worry about losing him. He will last though all 3 pets never useing my back line.
Combine him with a Darkness ability pet for maximum coverage of as many pets as possible.
i have him and he is the best my team is unborn valkyr the blossoming ancient and anubisath idol togetheir they are unstopable
During winter this little pet randomly spawns a calm snowfall over him instead of flowers at spring and sunray at summer :)
Single most annoying pet to face in PVP pet battling. This pet makes me want to stop PVPing. Stall stall stall... GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
team this guy up with a magical crawdad and an idol and you have an awesome tanking team. Sunlight, photosynthesis, bark skin > wish, mists, surge > demolish, shield is all you really need. I went straight 10/10 with this line up. The last battle left the entire team at 2000+ health. Once you can get sunlight up and a wish to go off on him then photosynthesis will keep him topped off whilst bark skin is a great damage reducer and ok damage dealer. Fights take a while though.
this guy is highly underrated, he is like unkillable in pvp.
absolutely craps on the gimmicks that are popular at the moment
Shouldn't it have changed into the Winter skin by 1st December? Mine is still wearing its Autumn skin.
I can confirm that the skin changed to a lovely winter skin on the 21st Dec. :)
i was getting the same error messsage when i tried to redeem him, but what i did was copy my code and just went to the bottom of my battle net page and clicked on redeem code and it went to a different page and i was able get my pet that way
You're not alone Bellariot. I just purchased this guy and I'm getting the same error. So disappointed :(
A little frustrated here because I try to redeem the code and its coming up with an error message. I hope whatever the problem is on their site it gets fixed soon!