
Air (flies alongside flying mount)
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3 allowed
Patch 10.1.0 | Posted: May 2, 2023
Level 0:

1-15 of 15
1-15 of 15

It took me four days to get the alternate skin, it was truly a grind. However, it was a lot more obvious than what other comments led me to believe. I wasted a lot of time comparing the spawns to one I already had, as well as gernal worry over if I hadn't noticed. As long as you're paying attention, you should be able to tell instantly.
Collected the alternate skin today after about 10 hours of killing Slabwings. It is more difficult to distinguish than I expected in the light of the cavern. I didn't even think I had found it, but the dark colorings on the back seemed a little bit lighter. So I captured it just in case, and was pleasantly surprised! When in doubt, capture and check - or just capture every Deepridger just in case.
A very difficult hunt to collect the alternate skin, akin to shiny hunting pokemon in the old gen games.
Deepridger is a rare spawn of the Slabwings spawning in the South of Zaralek cavern. If you just want the basic pet, clear every Slabwing you see, on average two wipes spawns 1 Ridger. If you want the alternate skin, be prepared for many hours of slaying Slabwings, and be very careful as the alternate skin looks like a Slabwing at a distance. Matches the Catalogued Shalewing Mount!
Getting this pet was miserable they need to increase the spawn rate.
I hope they do not include this kind of rare pet again!
You know, as a beast master hunter, you get your mind settled at knowing if you want a rare pet to fight at your side, you might have to camp that pet for hours, days, weeks, or even months. I left WoW for a couple of years and collecting my companion pets is one of the biggest reasons I returned, only to find now I have to do this same thing with companion pets, that aren't even rare! Just shaking my head and trying to come to terms with this new way.
Been killing every Slabwing I saw for several hours now. Got the rare Slabwing skin before I got a Deepridger finally.
Found mine at (50, 55).
I got my red one at 40/66 as the posters stated, kill all the /tar Slabwing in that area and the new rare will spawn
Have only been able to get poor and common qualities, not even an uncommon, so far. Sulfur Wastes. Slabwings are also found where Karokta spawns.
Edit: I FINALLY got an uncommon after spending several hours killing Slabwings every day.
The best way to get Deepridgers to spawn is simply to kill the Slabwing critters (non-battle pets) that spawn all over the Sulfur Wastes area, just south-west and west of Loamm. Get on your character with the best mobility, and create a macro button:
/tar Slabwing
And kill them all from the southern part of the area, up to just before the bridge at the north end. Even though the spawn rate is low, this will pay off with a bit of persistence.
From experience, when a pet spawns in place of a Slabwing critter, it's almost always a Deepridger, not a Slabwing! I've managed to get about a dozen to spawn so far, in 3-4 hours of doing this.
Came to say the same thing as Zhevrakeeper, this is just brutal.
So are we going to talk about the fact that blizzard made this very rarely spawning pet have a very rare alternate skin/colour variation to top it off?
found mine near this same marker. kill the level 1 non-battle slabwings to firce one to spawn
It looks like this one is a rare spawn of Slabwing. I recommend running around Sulfur Wastes where you can find lots of yellow Slabbers ;) Bonus, you will eventually stumble upon a red version of Slabwing as well xD
found at 42, 65 in zaralek. seems to be a very rare spawn on a very long timer.Â