
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Idles about
Rocks tumbling (constant); vocalizations (on-click)
Reputation grinding required.
Cataclysm expansion required.
Cataclysm expansion required.
1 allowed
Patch 4.0.3 | Posted: December 7, 2010
This pet is rewarded via the mail when your character completes the "Rock Lover" achievement. To complete this achievement, your character must complete the Therazane faction daily, Lost In The Deeps ten times. Upon completing this quest for the 10th time, you'll immediately receive this pet in your mailbox, sent by Dalaran's vendor, Breanni.

I wonder if Blizz has made some changes to being able to realm hop for this quest in DF? I have an alt I recently did the quest chain on and parked there. This quest was up when I first completed the quest chain, and I've not had that daily back up since even with doing realm hopping.
Shame on me, I too lazy to do dat dailies fr this pet!
Just got this little buddy today. I started in mid-December while on Christmas holiday. For a solid month I never saw the quest, and server hop didn't help since no one does this content any more it seems. I was planning on submitting a ticket, but, and it may just be a coincidence, I finally started to get the quest regularly the day 7.1.5 update came out--multiple days in a row on 3 occasions. Still took four weeks total though, but it is possible to get. I will love him and call him Bambam.
I have found the addon Cross Realm Assist addon very useful in getting this quest everyday. It took me at least 18 jumps today but I eventually found a server that had the quest (Zangarmarsh, actually). Just don't be dumb like me and not leave the raid group while trying to do the quest, and then have to do it again.
In some shameless self promotion, I present my own video of how to obtain Pebble. Enjoy!
i have now gone 9 days without the quest showing up. 1 more "saving" and I would get Pebbles. Is anyone else having issues, or has the pet been removed from game. Frustrating as the dickens.
So, I take it you have to finish out the zones questline to have a chance to access the quest?
What a chore Pebble is. FYI you can realm hop to pick up the quest and you can also share the quest with a friend. BUT !! It wont let you share the quest every day and it wont be available for you to realm hop to get it either. Seems like every 2nd or 3rd day you can accept the quest. Even if you get invited to a realm that has the quest available it wont show up for you if you did it the previous day.
I have read through all the comments and am wondering if anybody has any new insight into how to deal with the daily quest not appearing! UGH
After sloughing my way through the 208 PRE-quests, who knew this would be so mindnumbling painful.
I have my engineer HUNTER literally hanging in the air in her rocket W A I T I N G ...
So, anything, anybody? Bueller? Bueller? Bueller?
I did the quest 10 times, and received the achievement, but what do I need to do to actually acquire this guy? Where is he? OK, a few hours later and he shows up in my mailbox "Lost in the twisting nether"...
Today Lost In The Deeps is up as the daily on Maelstrom.
Been working on the quest now for 3 months have only gotten it 8 times honestly right now its driving me a little crazy. really wish that there was a faster way to do this. I read down the page and it seems others get the quest to come up faster I wish mine would.
Hello fellow collectors! I have a horde toon ready for invites ..I will check my realm daily and add some battletags i see here. Please consider adding me - Lembasbane is the toon name :kingsfoiler#1479 battletag... I will also be completing the quests on the Ally side and I'll post here when available. Thanks!
Just started farming this quest ... if anyone else is too, please add Uglykid#1107
Alliance only at this time.
just picked up the quest on Hellscream today!!! wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo hooooo! finally!
add me battletag id kiralayne@1272 I still have 9 more times to do it!
UPDATED on June 12, 2015***** SO it this pet no longer available??? I lost some ground ages ago , but have been there looking for a daily for a week or more now and not once has anyone appeared to offer a daily, much less the Lost in the Deep daily. *****
Having battle tag/real id friends with 90s on different crz groups is helpful for obtaining this pet since the daily of the day can be different from one crz group to the next. You don't even need to stay in the group. Just have your friend invite you to a party (must be >= your combat level to work), pick up the quest if its available then leave the party to go back to your realm. You will be able complete it & turn it in. I did this on a pve toon with a friend who plays on a pvp server.
Today, Thursday, 8/8/2013, and yesterday the daily is up...for those of you needing it.
Finally got this after about three months.. good grief! I am so done with the daily diversion to Deepholm!
I have yet to see this Lost in the Deep daily, and I've been checking over a month. So frustrating, especially if we need to complete it ten times to get the achievement and the pet.
*edit: I submitted a ticket. Not sure if it will help but I at least would like to know if it still exists in the game.