Yu'la, Broodling of Yu'lon

Yu'la, Broodling of Yu'lon
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Ground (hovers)
Hovers and performs tricks.
Vocalizations (on-click)
1 allowed
Mists of Pandaria
Patch 5.4.0 | Posted: September 10, 2013
Players can earn Celestial Coins by completing the account-wide weekly quest, The Celestial Tournament. Upon completing this quest for the first time, players will receive a one time quest that also rewards Celestial Coins.
Level 0:

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Yu'la is an essential pet in my carry team against Taralune in Talador, Draenor.
[didn't have the collection of lvl 25 pets prior and then I took a yr off due to serious RL issues so I am soo late to this party lol]
after about 5 failed attempts following all the strats on 3 different pages, I finally managed to kill Yu'la using murkimus the gladiator (1,1,1), hogs (1,2,-) and bonkers H/s (1,2,1) using the dodges just before Liftoff (murkimus has 2 dodges in the form of shield block and heroic leap) my 3 bigglesworth died earlier in the tourney so it was difficult for me - don't use em til yu'la ^.^
I decided to focus on the defense of my next pet as much as possible with filling the second skill with Celestial Blessing. I used it with my favorite dragon killer, Ore Eater. The Ore Eater defensive ability combined with Celestial Blessing makes my Ore Eater virtually immune to any attack for 3 rounds while i pound on them. the most dmg someone was able to do to me was 18 so far. Im sure there sre other ways to make this pet competitive but this is what i found to work best so far.
@Mojogrow I like your team setup for Yu'la! I'm going to give it a try tonight. I have been using this comp for PvP. I'm having a lot of fun with it, but I need more battles to see how it goes long term.
Yu'la - Grommloc - Spring Rabbit
I kinda of like Jadefire Lightning, but I think Breath is better since this is not an AoE team. Also, I find Life Exchange not making a big difference, and I rather have Lift Off instead. Life Exchange would own for a Sunny Day stall team tho!
I also use the same as Feralsynapse... Bigglesworth consistently soloes Yula
@Kittyfox I am currently running her with Jadefire, Blessing and LifeEx, in a team of Yu'la, Fossilized Hatchling and DHA/Bonkers. Try and squeeze in as many Jadefires while leaving blessing on the ground. Use LifeEx as a heal of sorts since you will not be doing much damage to pet 1. Come in with Hatchling and try for 2-3 Bonestorms before you die (50% damage down + Ancient). Guy No. 3 is your sweeper.
Any PvP insights? Anyone running a team with this pet in it?
This pet should have Jade Breath instead Breath
Soloable with Bonkers, if you have one faster than him, I have yet to try it with a slower Bonkers(mine is P/S), spam haymaker until it connects(as in, if he misses, reset because he doesn't damage you until the 3rd round, so you won't take damage). Once it connects, jab and only dodge when he goes into the air, even missing once I was able to win with roughly 127 HP.
My first kill was with Shimmer Snail, Ashstone Core and Summit Kid. I wonder if anybody else killed her with this weird combo.
Signed up to offer some help on the tourny pets.
Yu'la was probably the easiest of the lot. I used either Gregarious Grell with punch, dodge, cauterize (can solo her with ease)
Or lil bad wolf (used a s/s) with claw dodge, howl ( he usually died with her at 400 or less hp) and I finished her with anubisath idol punching her one or two times.
Can be completely solo'd by Mr. Bigglesworth, he is faster and can negate most of her damage. First turn use Claw Yu'la will use her Emerald Presence. Next use Ice Tomb she will fly up with Lift-Off. Toss up Ice Barrier to block her attack. Pass on the next turn. Continue with Claw x2 (Ice Tomb should be off cooldown on the next turn). Repeate the process and the pass until Yu'la is dead.
If you lack humanoids, you can beat Yu'la with a random undead vulnerability team. Things like Unholy Ascension and Rabid Strike will negate the legendary defense buff, and then you just need to grind it down with attacks. Curse of Doom works wonders and Ghostly Bite can be used just before liftoff to negate the stun.
My Ghostly Skull and Stitched Pup did it on their own, and the third pet (a Blighted Squirrel) never got to fight.
Just throw pets with humanoid type attacks at Yu'la and it will die eventually. You'll want to use Clock'em, Anubisath Idol, or some other pet with a block/dodge ability with a cooldown 4 rounds or lower to negate Lift-Off's damage.
Was able to beat yu'la with only using Clock'em robot just spamming jab and using dodge when she flies into the air allowing you to dodge 2 attacks since the robot is faster.
Blocks over 150 damage from every attack, but doesn't use any heal.
Nuke it hard, even drop its armor. unholy ascension works good enough.
Be warned, he blocked every single one of my
Blitz and every single Dreadful Breath.
Yu'la's lvl25 stats are the following: Health:1237, Power/Speed:305. Got this as my first celestial pet to match my wings and create diversity among the celestial pets first obtained. Her second tier move Celestial Blessing is a great team player with a 5 round 50% dmg reduction that has no CD. Unfortunately her Dragon ability Breath does not look green like the Legendary versions. Leveling her was a bit tougher because her survivability is low against hard hitting pets.
Round 1: Peddlefeet perfumed arrow, bowshot, heartshot, bowshot or w/e isnt cd untill hes dead. Second pet:Soul of the aspects: Surge of light, breath, save deflection for lifts off's resolve, breath and light spam till hes soul dies. third pet Anubisath. Crush spam, stoneskin on start of liftoff, deflection when it resolves, crush spam = GG. check my video of the kill at www.wowpetbattle.com/yula.html