Celestial Dragon

Celestial Dragon
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Air (flies alongside flying mount)
Jumps up and shakes its head in a roaring fashion. Will occasionally quickly zip around in a star-formation.
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Vocalizations (on-click)
1 allowed
Patch 4.2.0 | Posted: June 28, 2011
This pet is rewarded via the mail when your character completes the "Littlest Pet Shop" achievement. To complete this achievement, your character must possess at least 150 unique vanity pets. Upon learning your 150th pet, you'll immediately receive this pet in your mailbox, sent by Dalaran's vendor, Breanni.
Note that the Celestial Dragon only has an idle animation while on the ground. When it is flying alongside players on flying mounts, it will not use its special animation.
Level 0:

Someone said this on Wowhead and it worked for me - Celestial Dragon can solo Bristlespine in Stormsong Valley. Start off with Flamethrower, then Moonfire for damage/bonus to healing, then Ancient Blessing to heal. Continue with Flamethrower until cooldowns are over, then rinse and repeat.
Probably one of my favorites looks wise, plus it can self heal in battle! Super fun to battle with casually! My favorite thing is to pair it with another healer so the moonfire can increase healing.
Im so excited for completing the achievement today on the morning. This pet is beautiful, great for combat and looks amazing! Cant wait for reach level 25!
This is clearly a must have on your dragon team!
This is the first pet I ever leveled to 25, and it happened quite recently! She can heal herself, which I've found to be invaluable, plus she's a dragon, and she's made of stars. Can't argue with that. She's definitely my number one pet.
One of the best dragons for PVE, of my experience!
This pet + Arcane Eye is a great combo. Arcane Eye does a huge amount of damage with Arcane Winds up, and the Celestial Dragon is a good DoT/Support for it with it's heal.
I used this pet a lot it was one of my first level 25s. With the Starfall and Anchient Blessing it is a hard pet to kill. It is a good first round pet you start with Flamethrower (damage and DoT) then swith him out till later when your team is low health and he can heal up your whole team a little while damaging the other team.
Worth it just for the look.
Pet does not come in mail, it just shows up in ur pet journal. Look for Celestial dragon and you should have...shocked crap out of me, saw the achievement, didn't realize I got the pet till someone told me. It was there in my journal...
I use Flamethrower, Ancient Blessing, and Starfall. (Though I would like to state that having the other weather option in place of the heal is decent for certain snare fights.)
Starfall Ability makes this pet pair well with Feline Familiar to take down just about anything, happily and viciously.
One of the prettiest pets, the only one with an aoe hit AND heal, and an obvious sign of a serious pet tamer, making it a triple threat if I ever saw one.
It's not clear yet whether it will be an overall nerf, but his breath attack has been replaced with an elemental attack. This means his only dragon-type attack is the one on a long cooldown.
Since Breath has been replaced with Flamethrower my rating for this pet has gone down. While still tanky, I have to go elsewhere for a Dragonkin damage spell which has ruined my trainer setup.
I recently got the achievement littlest pet shop and have yet to receive the celestial dragon has anyone heard anything about a glitch.
This was my first level 25 pet. Started with her because, well she is just pretty. Works well to catch other pets since she can keep healing herself through the misses. She will always be my fav, and better be since one of my guildies named theirs after me. ;)
In my opinion, this is one of the best battle pets available. As many others have said, it's great for leveling lower pets. It's also able to solo most of the NPC tamers that can be challenged daily - including some of the Pandarian ones, such as the Whispering spirit. Personally, it's a core member of my group of battle pets, rarely exchanged for anything else because of its usefulness.
I'd already collected this beauty just prior to MoP, so she was the first I started leveling. Sparkles was my first 25 and she is a beast. Love using her to level other pets and tackle the tough Tamers.
Love my Sparkles!
Hey guys, i recently got the littlest pet shop achievement, but i haven't recieved this little beauty yet, any help in why this is happening?
Relog, fixed everything
I use this pet to help level other pets, and now that it has Starfall it does the bulk of the battling to capture pets as well (Moonfire would occationally oneshot a pet while Starfall does pinprick damage).
Fear not Starfall: if you capture a pet and then accidentally kill it with Starfall, you will still get the pet. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm off to release the poor beetle I made the test on...
Don't know if it's the best of the pets nut it's definitely one of the best. I've been taking down trios of 25s in Pandaria with her solo at level 21. An excellent battler.
I cycle Moonfire, Breath, Ancient Blessing, Breath - repeat until they crumble. She makes it too simple.
Probably one of the best balanced and consistent battle pets out there. On the uper end for HP and Dmg also has a nice combo heal w/moonfire buff. Some argue that the heal isnt as good as others, well for a 3 round cd that heals for up to 600+ with a crit w/buff compared to some of the 2/3 round heals w/5 round cd that heal fer a total of 1k + i beg ta differ. He works great on legendary tamers, for lvling pets and is good for pvp if u know how to cycle ur cd's like u should.