Bronze Racing Enthusiast

Bronze Racing Enthusiast
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Air (flies alongside flying mount)
Idles about.
Vocalizations (on-click)
1 allowed
Patch 10.0.0 | Posted: November 28, 2022
This pet is rewarded for earning Silver in special dragon races around the Dragon Isles.
To access these races you'll need to first reach Valdrakken Accord Renown 7, and pick up the quest Aerial Challenges. This unlocks quests to complete races with a Bronze rating, and only after you've finished these objectives will you unlock more advanced racing quests.
To access these races you'll need to first reach Valdrakken Accord Renown 7, and pick up the quest Aerial Challenges. This unlocks quests to complete races with a Bronze rating, and only after you've finished these objectives will you unlock more advanced racing quests.

Deb161: '...I can't find a silver advanced achievement for dragon racing completionist in the achievements...'
> This pet requires that every race be completed on both silver and Advanced silver. <
On the same character! And not every course, but almost all of them. It's a tough slog. Be sure to look at for hints. You can do it if you keep working at it!
Don't make the same mistake I made. The acheivement for this pet is NOT account bound. It is a single character achievement and must be completed on one character. The achievements can be found under Expansion Features - Dragon Riding and the next level of achievement doesn't open until you complete the first for each zone.
I can't figure out how to track this achievement. I do dragon racing on lots of alts and I know I have silver advanced on some races for some alts, but I can't find a silver advanced achievement for dragon racing completionist in the achievements so that I can see who has done what. Can anyone help?
This pet requires that every race be completed on both silver and Advanced silver.
I did this on my retribution Paladin, and didn't realize I didn't use the crusader aura for the speed boost. Oh the title is also character specific. Good thing I did it on the main character.
Just finished this it was VERY difficult but worth it!
Not a fan of it not being cageable..
Figures the Silver achievement would reward a Bronze pet.
Bear in mind that some of the Advanced courses are impossible without the At Home Aloft dragonriding talent at the end of the tree, so be sure to be grabbing glyphs in between.