
Sniffs and looks about.
Vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
Patch 10.1.0 | Posted: May 2, 2023
Level 0:

1-11 of 11
1-11 of 11

I've never even seen a silver/white one as a critter, let alone a battle pet! ugh! damn you, Blizzard! =P. omg lol...The next two battle pets i saw after posting this were the silver Stonewhisker! hah!
Is there a way to check what the odds of the silver variant spawning are? Ive only seen it two times as a capturable pet and they have been months apart (i caught them both times because. One of my fave pets atm, its just so nicely animated and textured! Cant have enough of them)
Still having the worst time trying to confirm that the white variation even exists other than the previous commenter. Been looking on and off for hours. If anyone has any leads, please let me know.
Caught one near Rifkin's loacation, at 45 68.
@Zhevrakeeper, what area did you find it in? That would be helpful.
Can spawn elsewhere, just caught one at 43.06, 70.83
I found one at 52.98, 45.07.
Glitterspore Lake.
Just got the gorgeous white/grey variant, however as this pet can only be found as a primary pet this was a terrible grind because you can't do the backline pet reset method and you are competing with non battle pet critter spawns in the battle pet spawn places.Â
This battle pet seems to be located primarly in the Glitterspore Lake (52, 44) area as primary pets.
Found one as a primary pet /way 51.33, 43.21