Scavenging Skrat

Idles about.
Vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
Patch 9.1.0 | Posted: June 29, 2021

Since my addon gives breeds, but the possible breeds are not listed anywhere, I spent a lot of time farming 3 of what I wanted specifically and for Scavaging Skrat the breeds I found are BB, SS, and SB. This is most likely the entire set unless there is a breed that is really rare to spawn.
All four of the Tasavesh Battle Pets will spawn at two spawn points right on the wharf of the The Veiled Market dungeon - sometimes two points at a time, sometimes none, but most times you zone in there wlll be one set ready to battle. You do not need to be in a raid group - if you don't get the pet you want, just leave and reset the instance. I captured a rare for three of the four available Tazavesh pets my first round of burning up my resets.