Snowy Treeflitter

Air (flies alongside flying mount)
Idles about.
3 allowed
Patch 10.0.0 | Posted: November 28, 2022
Level 0:

1-9 of 9
1-9 of 9

I am in the area but the only battle critters I find are by a fallen tree and there is a snow hole on each side with the critters in it
Definitely one of the more annoying wild spawns. Also eventually got one at about 73,28. And someone needs to point out that powerball looks hilarious on this pet.
After several days of farming this pet, I have learned a couple things:
1. You do not need to kill the non-battle pets to get the battle pets to spawn. Just kill the current battle pets (regardless of variety) that are in the area. Shortly afterwards at least 1 battle pet will respawn.
2. They can show up as Rare - got a S/S spawn of a Rare after days of farming.
3. They have a high likelihood of showing up with Rare quality support pets. If you are missing any Rares try these.
Found one at 69.5;25.7 near yeti cave.
I killed all non-captureable Snowy Treeflitters critters I saw, in the general area of the dip bend in the road near Rhonin's Shield. It took only 5-10 minutes before the captureable version spawned at 70,28.
@Youarewelcome, yes, it may have helped, ambient critters and battle pets share the same spawn points.
Found mine at 68.92 23.43. The critters spawn mostly near small clumps of trees in the area east of Rhonin's Shield. On the map there's a "circular" piece of road devided by a frozen river. That's the general area to search in.
I found one at 72.33, 29.26. While searching for this particular battle pets, i encountered lots of level 1 non-battle pet creatures with the same name which i killed when I saw them. Maybe that helped spawning one in the end, but I'm not sure.
Located in Azure Span, at the base of a tree at 69.27, 30.95