Death's Head Cockroach

Crawls about, waving antennae.
Vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
Mists of Pandaria
Patch 5.0.1 | Posted: September 25, 2012
Can be found in areas where the Twilight Hammer have set up camp.

1-6 of 6
1-6 of 6

"Just got lucky". Wish it would happen more often. Followed the map, 5th battle Rare Primary. I'm outta here.
My roach of choice to drop Apocalypse when facing Dos-Ryga.
These Roaches are only found in a few areas around Hyjal, Lightning ridge near shrine of Goldrinn, The small Twilight camp in Circle of Cinders and Ascendants rise near sulfuron spire. Although the Pet itself is very slow spawning, it can also be found as a secondary pet to twilight beetles and other pets in the zone which are much more plentifull.
In addition to Lightnings Ledge, Gar'gol's Hovel just below had a few when I was hunting the DHC. These locations are on the south, southwest side of the Shrine of Goldrinn. No rare for me yet. But I have seen half a dozen uncommen in the last 20 min. Nesingwary 7am The next 20 minutes was nothing but poor. And very slow respawn. Still no rare.
I found a lot around "Lighting Ledge" (loc 29, 39) south of Shire of Goldrinn just have to kill a few mobs in the area to get to them. They are up on the upper ledge.
fought a fire beetle in the scorched plain, got uncommon roach (1073 hp) as an extra on first try
fought ash lizard in darkwhisper gorge between the cave entrance and twilight outpost/encampment, got rare roach (1254 hp) as an extra
just noticed, the first roach was "weakened" to level 20. the rare was weakened to 21. i believe both were 22 at time of capture