
Idles about.
Pit-pattering footsteps; vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
Mists of Pandaria
Patch 5.0.1 | Posted: September 25, 2012
Can be found on the hills above the Dark Portal.

On the road from Swamp of Sorrows, running south, you run thru the arch, then come up to three dead tree trunks, just after passing the tree trunks, turn right slightly, and you'll see Zidormi a little uphill: a very slim figure, kinda floating
In order to get this pet you have to be in the old Blasted Lands (before Iron Horde invasion). Talk to Zidormi at [48,2-7,2] to change the appearance of the zone.Â
This is odd. I was after the Kalimdor Safari and had to go to Eastern Kingdoms for this pet.....Â
Just a note this pet can only be a PRIMARYpet, I have found no secondarys even to another Scropling
Make sure the Character you are Pet Battleing with has CoT rep before you talk to Zidormi (the girl on the hill)...=)
Flying is a must have here. I found several on the cliffs above and behind the Dark Portal, no rares, but several Uncommons.
Thank you squirtgun, I got a rare first try =)
Tip to get it on the breed/quality you want. Engage fight, if its not the breed or quality you want, forfeit and kill it, do it with every you find, they spawn very quick and doing that I've found a rare S/S on my 4th fight. (Respawn of the first poor quality I've killed on 1st try)
Go to the entrance of the Blasted Lands from there from the Swamp of Sorrows and speak to the NPC to change the Blasted Lands back in time. Â Fly to the rocks above and behind the Dark Portal. Â Fight and kill all the Scorpling teams that are common or poor. Â Go kill some pets with a lvl 25 in the Tainted Forest area to kill time. Â Come back after 2-3 fights there and most Scorpling teams will respawn. You'll get an Uncommon or better within 10 fights this way. (approx)
I took Squirtgun's advice; revert the Blasted Lands back to its original state by talking to the NPC on the hill to the right of the path from the Swamp Of Sorrows. There were loads of Scorplings after I did this. Thanks!
Thank you so much Squirtgun! I was trying all the spots it said to look but hadn't reverted it back to pre WOD, as soon as I made it old school the scorplings were everywhere!
I had built a DK on the Anum'thul Realm (Oceanic Realm) just to capture a Minfernal (caught 3).  I was having the same issues with the Scorpling so headed over to the Blasted Land and found one.  Was almost horrified when I killed a lovely S/S one which I thought was the only one in the area but found 3 more B/B uncommon.  I grabbed one just to have it for my Safari but hope to get the S/S since this looks like one I'd like to use in battle after I upgrade to Rare. Â
As of 6.0.2  for those of you trying to get this pet the iron horde has messed it up and you will NOT get it to spawn.  How ever, if you come along the path from Swamp of Sorrows... Just as the ground turns orange and you enter Blasted lands look to your right there is a human NPC standing on a hill. Talk to her and you can convert Blasted Lands back to the way it used to be before Iron Horde. I was then able to get it no problems what so ever!
so far when ever i'm in that area fighting the grand trainer lady in deadwind pass I scope out the scproidling for fun since I've yet to catch a rare. I usualy see 2 or 3 there but after that they don't seem to spawn in for an hour or more later. kind of like the arcane eye's and I've been hunting both these 2 pets for a while now.
I just confirmed, as of patch 4.8, that capturing a Scorpling at the Dark Portal does count towards Kalmidor Safari acheivement. I had to fly around the top of the rim behind the portal for a few minutes before I saw a paw appear at the outer edge.Â
Well i want to say i follow everyones advice, flew in circles killing every pet in the area, in 3 diff servers, i even went to low populated servers and found none, i gave up around 12:50 midnight (Moonrunner server) server time. Decided to go back to my original server (Zul'jin) to a char i had left in this area, i was ready to go look for another one whe i decided to give it one more look and Boom it was on top of the cave and luckly me, it was a rare!!! so i would sugest trying after midnght.
Kind of difficult to get hold of, and annoyingly comes in many breeds. This has the S/S breed which is top speed Scorpion at 325. This speed will make Crouch very useful, Screech less so except against certain pets. Still weak attacks in slot one, triple snap is chancy and Snap does not hit very hard and can still miss. Rampage is ok, when you got crouch up. Sting has its uses, remember the poison ticks are elemental and as such strong against mechanicals. Still Scorpions feel kind of generic.
I was one of the lucky ones, I found a rare on my first try. It was right above the cave. I only went and battled a few pets and on my circling back to the area it was there.
Circled around the Dark Portal not finding anything but then went up behind the portal I found about 5 (4 poor 1 common) so not seeing anymore I trapped the common figured I can either try later for a better quality or use a stone to upgrade. Did count for my Easter Kingdoms Safari.
I turned up and there were no Scorpling to be seen. I took the advice in the comments and did a big circle killing all battle pets (if they weren't rare quality I'd forfeit then just one shot them). I focused on the forest and did a quick circle of the rest of the area and went back and I found one! (one only and was normal/white quality).
I can confirm that today I trapped a common (white) lvl 17 Scorpling above the Dark Portal, and it counted towards my Kalimdor Safari achievement.