Sumprush Rodent

Idles about.
Vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
Mists of Pandaria
Patch 5.1.0 | Posted: November 27, 2012
This wild pet can only be spawned by using the item, Rodent Crate.
It can be purchased from the Operation: Shieldwall (alliance) vendor, Proveditor Grantley, for 2,000 Domination Point Commissions. Or from the Dominance Offensive (horde), Ongrom Black Tooth, for 2,000 Lion's Landing Commissions.
Using the Rodent Crate will spawn 5-7 Sumprush Rodents in the surrounding area. Any players may engage in battle with these wild pets, not just the user of the item.
It can be purchased from the Operation: Shieldwall (alliance) vendor, Proveditor Grantley, for 2,000 Domination Point Commissions. Or from the Dominance Offensive (horde), Ongrom Black Tooth, for 2,000 Lion's Landing Commissions.
Using the Rodent Crate will spawn 5-7 Sumprush Rodents in the surrounding area. Any players may engage in battle with these wild pets, not just the user of the item.
Level 0:

anyone have a cratew to use? unsure how to get currency or pourchase crate, add my btag mavelind#1331 thanks
Hi! I'm Horde on Hyjal-US and grinded for the 2K Lion's Landing Commission. I'm going to purchase the Rodent Crate and use it next Sat 1/11/25 at 10 am server time. Message me if you want to join in or simply stop by (I'll set up a custom group) and get your sumprush rodent!
I went to grind at Bilgewater Beach. I was able to go to kill all non-animal mobs to have 1-4 Domination Point Commissions drop. The Jungle Shredders gave the most, but killing groups in the building gave 10-12 each time through. I got 2000 Domination Point Commission in a little over 2 hours.
I then bought the Rodent Crate, released the beasties and tamed three.
On a higher level toon grinding the commissions takes 1.5-2.5 hrs. The area w the logging machines was the best drop rate for me as alliance.
Just got mine tonight...oddly enough, each of the two colors counts as a unique pet in my pet journal
for the fast people, i opened a crate and it has 25 minutes left. Argent-Dawn EU at lion's landing!
I got Lion's Landing open in Krasarang Wilds, I did the grind for Domination Point Commission x 2000 for the Rodent Crate-told family to get Lion's Landing open - once I got the Crate, & then after they opened Lion's Landing (just open the Lion's Landing to pet battle them if someone else opens up a Crate)-I opened the Crate by the lighthouse, they started running around by the lighthouse, FP, Daily Quest Givers, in that area (that I was in)...and the 4 of us all caught three each.
Find pet Step by Step:
1. Do quest "Meet the Scout" (find quest in Vale of Eternal Blossoms from NPC Lyalia (Alliance) or NPC Sunwalker Dezco (Horde))
2. Kill elites in Krasarang Wilds which drop
Domination Point Commission (Alliance) or Lions Landing Commission (Horde), u need 2000 of them to buy Rodent Crate
3. Buy Rodent Crate in Krasaramg Wilds from
NPC Proveditor Grantley (Alliance) or NPC Ongrom Black Tooth (Horde)
4. Activate crate and catch pet :) (20min last)
I showed up to do my dailies to gather the tokens and found that somebody else had dropped a crate. I read somewhere that they spawn 7-9 rodents/crate. Either that has changed with a patch or there was a glitch because I battled about a dozen...eventually ended up with a lvl 22 and lvl 23 uncommon (one balance and one health). While I was disappointed that I didn't find a rare, the pet charms in Draenor will fix that. I *did* get one of each color.
I happened upon the rodents already up as soon as I finished the short questline to unlock the island. I engaged a rodent and found it to be an H/B rare and after capturing it happily, I thought I'd try for a B/B since no one was around. Well, I engaged one other rodent and it was a B/B rare!! I can't believe my luck. Thrilled! <3
Carpeverpa - there is another explanation, you were there when someone else opened a crate....
You can kill NPCs to get the tokens, you don't even have to get flagged.
I don't PvP. Is it possible to earn enough rep/rewards to get the crate which spawns this pet by doing the quest chain and/or dailies without engaging in PvP?
On very rare occasions I have seen these as secondaries in Krasarang Wilds. I don't know if this is something that changed after release of WoD, but I kid you not I have seen them. The character that I level battle pets with has never even done the Domination Point quest line so there's really no other explanation for it.
To get Sumprush Rodent you will need:
1. Completed the startingquest's in the area.
2. Collect 2000 Lion's Landing Commission(H) or Domination Point Commission(A) as you gain from killing mobs at the opposit faction location.
3. Go to youre factions Collector of Commission and obtain Rodent Crate.
4. Place the Rodent Crate on the ground and the little Sumprush Rodent will spawn all over the place. They are zone-wide!
NOTE: it last 1 HOUR now..
For Alliance these actually spawn in the quest hub area of Lions Landing. I spent the entire time farming. No Rare Sumprush Rodents a couple of others thiugh. Best I got was a green.
@Allaana, These spawn under VERY specific circumstances:
1. You need to have completed the Horde or Alliance intro quests beginning with 'Meet the Scout' and is obtained at 90 from a member of your faction outside your shrine. Alliance side: Lyalia <Sentinel Commander>, Horde side: Sunwalker Dezco <Dawnchaser Chieftain>. Once you get through the cinematic after a couple short quests, you will be in the right phase.
2. Next you need to collect Lion's Landing Commission Horde side, or Domination Point Commission Alliance side. You will need 2000 commissions to buy a <Rodent Crate> and the commissions drop off any of the opposing faction NPC's in the opposing faction camp. Lesser NPC's drop 1-2, and tougher ones drop 3-4, and the faction rares drop 9-11 on a 30-60 minute respawn so it will be a bit of a long grind.
Is there a phasing issue with this pet? I have been out to this island a dozen times in the last three days and never seen anything but Luyu Moths. Thoughts?
Had the whole place to my self at 3:00am I battled EVERY single Sumprush Rodent that spawned and out of the whole mess i got 1 B/B rare and 1 H/B rare Sumprush Rodent. The last 1 was a Common so I took it any way for my 3rd pet. So in all it only spawned 2 rare Sumprush Rodents from the entire crate, along with a rare seagull a rare Mei Li Sparkler and a rare Spiny Terrapin as secondaries in the group. The extra adds were Seagulls-Turtles-Me Li Sparklers-Beatles-Spiders and Otters.
Got 3 rares tonight after a week of grinding =D
Sumprush Rodent - 23 - 1371254254B/B
Sumprush Rodent - 22 - 1373240240H/B
Sumprush Rodent - 21 - 1315229229H/B