
Idles about.
Pit-pattering footsteps; vocalizations (periodic)
3 allowed
The War Within
Patch 11.0.2 | Posted: August 26, 2024

I found these guys on the AH and didn't realize they were a wild pet before I bought one. It shows on this site I own it and it's in my final number of unique pets in game, but it does not show under my Safari achievement progress. I will have to catch one myself, I suppose! Interesting how it works.
For whatever it's worth, I haven't seen/caught a brown one yet. Not a lot of these little guys spawn, and it's not easy to check the colour in a dark cave.
I saw several in the Obsidian Hollow ( Above Taelloch) as first pets. Be careful of the nearby mobs as you don't wan to kill the pet. Miloh soloed.
Beware - they use Stone Rush and i've lost 3 to not paying attention as they KO themselves
The Ringing Deeps, specifically Obsidian Hollow on the right side of the map right above Taelloch (coords are what Wayne Brady put, 69, 49)
Found as a primary pet in The Ringing Deeps. 68.96, 48.55.