Twilight Iguana

Looks around and sniffs air.
Pit-pattering footsteps; vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
Mists of Pandaria
Patch 5.0.1 | Posted: September 25, 2012
Can be found in areas where the Twilight Hammer have set up camp, Twilight Bulwark and Twilight Withering.

Rare at 11:22 A.M. Tich US server time. I was about to give up too, I had killed a couple uncommons and a couple commons. The Ancona Chix that come with most of them said not able to capture though. Got mine near the first Twilight Bulwark area, right near where the ramp comes up from the water.
Got it at Twilight Bulwark, saw about five of them, no rare though. (Got an uncommon.)
Found one today first try! I flew over to the twilight bulwark at 25,57 and saw a little green paw. When I flew down, the paw went away and I nearly freaked out. When I landed, there it was though. Uncommon quality.
Thanks for all the hints and locations. I went to find this lil guy, and found one on my first try (11:50pm US Nazjatar) it was a poor quality, but had low lvl pets out. Lost the fight, lost the pet. One spawned again within 5 min. but there was a cross-realmer there to steal it from me. Finally, I gave up and started a new character and joined the Warcraftpets guild and then came back and tried again after a couple hours. I found two poor quality iguanas. I caught one in a single night.
Found a couple on Garona at around 3pm server time today, I got an uncommon which i can live with for now
Read the other comments, went straight to Twilight Bulwak. Found a poor right away :) I don't mind it being poor. Ty for everyone leaving a comment on which area this little guy was~
I spent several hours farming it in the evening (lots of other folks doing the same) to no avail. Logged on at at 8:30am pacific and the Bulwark was filled with them. Took me about 5 battles to get a rare.
This little bugger seems to like to hide, spent several hours looking in both Twlight camps killing everything that moved....never seen even one of these guys.
Went back hunting for another 2 hours and one finally poped....not a easy catch here.
just found 2 930am, one poor and the other uncommon. So it does not need to be at night. at the bulwark NE side
Found mine at the Twilight Bulwark at 22:06 server time (Saurfang EU), rare on the first try, grouped up with an uncommon Ancona Chicken!
There were tons of these guys up at 3:30am server time. Got my rare on about the 20th try.
Ok...I got my rare on about the 6th one in the Twilight Bulwark.
I got a rare between 830 and 845 am server on Zangarmarsh server (probably cross-server). This was in Twilight Bulwark, one of the two Twilight camps along the southern shore of Thousand Needles. It was still dark. I tried many times last night but most were poor quality. This never appeared as a second pet.
I got lucky :) 1st try at 21:36 on Twighlight Bulwark side
I dont know if anyone else has had an issue of this but when I caught this little guy he was the 252nd pet in my collection (Devouring Maggot too :/) and yet he wasn't added to the count. >.< I really hope they fix this soon. Its getting a little iritating.
There are 2 twilight 'camps' in the lower part of your map called Twilight Bulwark and Twilight Withering that spawns these, I found about 3 or 4 at each camp, didn't check anywhere else in the zone tho. Server time 2:15pm (Eastern)
Caught mine near the end of the bulwark, got a rare on the first try. Mine had 768 hp at level 13 so you're looking for something similar for another rare.
Found several along the south bank at 21:45 server time. Accidently killed the first one, and the second one I caught was uncommon.
So I hit the camp at night/early morning and there were a bunch of spawns. Took between 6-8 to find a rare, but all the others were poor quality. For those interested in the time, it was about 4:30 a.m. server. I haven't noticed any respawns.