
Blue Murloc Egg
Binds to account
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds to account
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Dances donning a top hat and cane.
Shuffling footsteps; vocalizations (on-click)
Special promotion.
BlizzCon promotion.
BlizzCon promotion.
1 allowed
Patch 1.11.1 | Posted: April 1, 2007
This pet was a free gift for US attendees of BlizzCon 2005. A gift card may be scratched to reveal a code allowing a single character access to this pet. However, the item that teaches the pet's summon spell may be mailed to other characters on the account. The code may be redeemed at Blizzard's promotion retrieval page. The pet may be obtained in-game from Ransin Donner in Ironforge (alliance) or Zas'Tysh in Orgrimmar (horde).
This pet is also available as a FigurePets collectible (BlizzCon 2009).

April 25, 2018.
Murky Obtained.
It has been a very long pet collecting road for me and I finally got this rare gem. I had been stalking this pet on ebay for a few years now. A couple of sellers had a few. I would watch as their supply dwindled.
The week before there was only 1 left by a seller who had been on ebay for a few years. I lost that auction and I was heartbroken!!!
Reached out to another seller that I had seen have it up before...he had one left.....
Murky is my favorite. I love the dance he emotes and his super cute rmrrrgrrlrr when you click on it. Still level one for now!
Don't try to use the website on the card. Use the old loot card website. It will work. Promise. Mine did. 8/16/2015.
This is how rare this pet is now. This is why.
I got the pet at the end.
From an official transcript - GM:
In short, the codes were intended to be claimed right away, and were not necessarily intended to remain unused for a long period of time.
If the code is able to be claimed by you, fantastic, we'd be happy to see that. If the code is *not* able to be claimed, please note that we will regrettably not be able to offer further troubleshooting. We've actually exhausted our options here when it comes to making the code able to be used.
That said, we're happy to have done all that we can, and we do hope the code is able to be used by you.
Thanks again for contacting us, and for your patience and understanding.
Senior Game Master Dreysoth
Customer Services"
So do not be to happy if you even have the physical card + code with you as it may or may not work. All the best; sorry to be a spoiler but this is fact. =3
I just noticed a sudden change in the frequency of the animation on this pet today. It used to be about once every 45-60 minutes, now it seems to be more like every 20 minutes (approx of course, not regularly timed).
The cost of Murky on Ebay and other sale sites, is so high it excludes the average Joe or Jane from ever obtaining it. It seems unfair that unless you are rich enough to pay what a used car would cost for a VIRTUAL PET you never have the chance to get it. Hell, I love animals and would never pay what Murky cost for a REAL LIVE PET.
Also known as the Holy Grail of Warcraft Pets.
Who would spend $3000(!!!) on ANY pet? Not me.
One day I'll own Murky. He's not on the top of my list. I'll need to do alot of overtime at work to buy him. My plan is to have him by Jan 2015.
When my friend got me into this game, he did so by treating me to a trip to BlizzCon 2005. So I've had Murky since Day 1 that I've played.
Every time I see that 3K price tag for him, I realize how lucky I was.
This year at blizzcon (2013) They had him as rare loot in those ball/toy machines on the first day of , someone this year got super lucky but it wasnt me, gawd ide of died lol
I believe the woman who did the original voice of Murky sued Blizzard, trying to get a piece of WoW's profits. That would certainly explain the voice change. (I kind of like the new voice, so no harm, no foul, as far as I'm concerned.)
(if you got the figure pet you should be glad)
JUST BE GENTLE <3 and gratz!