River Otter

Idles about.
Vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
Battle For Azeroth
Patch 8.0.1 | Posted: August 13, 2018
Level 0:

1-6 of 6
1-6 of 6

Rares can be found! I just captured a B/B rare in Drustvar at /way 32.04 44.19 next to the bridge.
I have battled over 100 of these and still have not seen a rare, I'm getting to the point I'm thinking they are beyond rare
They are also backline pets to all the crabs on the west shores. Battled like 20 plus primary, haven't found a rare yet. Does it even exist in rare ?
Should have given this otter 0 stars for appearance. It looks exactly like a sifang otter.
Found as primary and secondary pets. Usually in ponds, where sometimes they are not able to be reached. Secondary to River Frogs and perhaps a few other pets that are in the near vicinity of ponds. Only viable breed is HB.
There are, in fact, a few spawns of the River Otter battle pet.
I found them at Warfang Hold in Stormsong Valley. Note, it you are alliance, you will be flagged for pvp. I also have seen a couple spawns in the water area just south of Millstone Hamlet. These river otters were all able to be pet battled as primary pets.