Land Shark

Land Shark
Binds when used
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds when used
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Ground (hovers)
Gently sways and idles about.
Reputation grinding required.
Fishing required.
Fishing required.
3 allowed
Warlords of Draenor
Patch 6.0.1 | Posted: October 14, 2014
This pet is only purchasable from Nat Pagle at a level 3 Fishing Shack. Players must have the Good Friends reputation with Nat Pagle in order to buy the Land Shark.
The Fishing Shack can be built and unlocked at level 94. Upgrading it to level 3 requires the achievement "Draenor Angler" and a level 3 garrison.
Once the Fishing Shack is level 3, players must recruit Nat Pagle as a follower through a short quest chain. After he becomes a follower, assigning him to "work" at the Fishing Shack will allow players to catch Lunker-fish without the aid of a special lure.
To earn Nat's Lucky Coin (and reputation with Pagle), players will need to fish for special fish called Lunkers. Turning these in will reward friendship with Nat Pagle as well as one coin each turn in.
Read more about catching Lunkers in El's Extreme Anglin' guide.
The Fishing Shack can be built and unlocked at level 94. Upgrading it to level 3 requires the achievement "Draenor Angler" and a level 3 garrison.
Once the Fishing Shack is level 3, players must recruit Nat Pagle as a follower through a short quest chain. After he becomes a follower, assigning him to "work" at the Fishing Shack will allow players to catch Lunker-fish without the aid of a special lure.
To earn Nat's Lucky Coin (and reputation with Pagle), players will need to fish for special fish called Lunkers. Turning these in will reward friendship with Nat Pagle as well as one coin each turn in.
Read more about catching Lunkers in El's Extreme Anglin' guide.
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Finally got motivated and got the level 3 fishing shack. Recruited Nat, then went fishing for enough lunkers to buy this pet from Nat. There are others on the AH I may buy, but if I can reasonably aquire one the right way, I will :) .
You do not, I repeat, do not need anything to learn this pet from the AH (only to be able to acquire it yourself).
Omg is this a reference to Jenna Marble's "Land Shark" video from like 10 years ago?
If you do not have Good Friends Rep with Nat Pagal you cannot use this pet. However, you can buy it from Auction House, but cannot learn the pet until you increase your rep.
Focus will increase Blood in the Water's hit chance to 75% which makes it useful because it will increase your speed, hit, and crit for the other attacks you pick to spam. Or just make a bleed team.
Shrugg, Im pretty sure its already a big advantage to have it before 6.1, since taht means anyone waiting will have to fish for 100 lunkers as they will add sea calf, rather than you who only needs another 50.
Nats hat Nats chair and worm lure worked well for cant wait to lvl him woot
Patch 6.1 changes: "Lunkers can now be caught from fishing pools and have an improved catch rate with higher fishing skill."
@Trael - The drop rate dosent change depending on spots, it just has a low droprate:/ Last night i fished for over an hour and got zip, today when i got home i fished for about 25min and got 3 (same spot in the lava lake behind the Garrison) It seems to be at the 1% droprate that posts and long time fishers posts //Chromie
can anyone suggest a good lunker fishing spot? or was it just random places, I seem to be able to get lunkers just north of the garrison, was just wondering if anyone had found a really good drop area.
Knock Knock
Who is it?
uh Telegram..
Neat looking pet, but abilities looks like junk and having a bad breed.
Focus + blood in the water is NOT a reliable attack!
Finnaly done with my fishing the hell out of Draenor for this pet. -Which also resulting in me getting the Lil' Leftovers by making around 2400 Feast of Waters of the fish. Anyway, the pet is HUGE! I mean it's literally more than half my hight (human).
As a battle pet it's very good, as some have mentioned, -and I'm glad I stuck it out with the many hours of fishing :)
Back before I started raids and dungeons, I enjoyed fishing in WoW. Now I don't have the time but I respect those who grind it out. This might be as many as 5000 casts ~ 50 coins X 1% chance at a coin... no thanks ...I bought one on an auction house
Got it today after hours of hours of grinding coins. Still have around 20 coins to spare after buying this. Might buy another, level it to 25 and sell it in the AH for tons of gold :)
I am looking forward to getting this pet, as my wife is a shark fan. I hope they dont miss out on giving it Rip, or Huge, Sharp Teeth in the attack line up. It would make a hard earned pet ,as this one, well worth playing and useing in battles.