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3 Round Cooldown

100% Hit Chance 


A brilliant flash deals 197 Magic damage and Blinds the target, reducing their hit chance by 50% for 2 rounds.

Vs. Flying

Vs. Mechanical


1-13 of 13
Used By:
Brightscale Hatchling [Brightscale Hatchling]

Sanctum Feature: The Ember Court (tier 3)

Zone: Revendreth

Covenant: Venthyr

Drop: Tribute Chest

Approximate Drop Rate: Unknown


Sanctum Feature: Queen's Conservatory (tier 2)

Zone: Ardenweald

Covenant: Night Fae

Drop: Queen's Conservatory Cache (Dutiful Spirit)

Approximate Drop Rate: Unknown


Sanctum Feature: Path of Ascension (tier 2)

Zone: Bastion

Covenant: Kyrian


Sanctum Feature: Abomination Factory

Zone: Maldraxxus

Covenant: Necrolord (tier 1)

Vendor: Atticus

Cost: 1000Reservoir Anima (unlimited supply)

Faction: Stitchmasters - Honored

Enchanted Lantern [Enchanted Lantern]

Profession: Cataclysm Enchanting [75]

Taught By: [Formula: Enchanted Lantern]

Enchanted Torch [Enchanted Torch]

Profession: Legion Enchanting [1]

Taught By: [Formula: Enchanted Torch]

Festival Lantern [Festival Lantern]

World Event: Lunar Festival

Vendor: Valadar Starsong

Zone: Moonglade

Cost: 50Coin of Ancestry (unlimited supply)

Nordrassil Wisp

Pet Battle: [22-24] Mount Hyjal


Pet Store 

Shadowy Oozeling

Pet Battle: [25] Azj-Kahet

Teeny Titan Orb [Teeny Titan Orb]

Drop: Echo of Myzrael [50+]

Zone: Arathi Highlands Warfront

Approximate Drop Rate: Unknown

Writhing Transmutagen [Writhing Transmutagen]

Profession: Khaz Algar Alchemy [25]

Taught By: [Thaumaturgy]

Approximate Drop Rate: Unknown

1-13 of 13
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