Sawfty's Pet Giveaway — Over 350 Pets!
We recently learned that Sawfty, a Site MVP

The WarcraftPets Discord channel was founded and maintained by Sawfty, however with his WoW-retirement he has passed the baton to Pommie.
Per instructions from Sawfty, Pommie will be hosting a pet giveaway in the WarcraftPets Discord channel. There are over 350 fully upgraded pets up for adoption, a few of which are harder to come by!
When: May 8th, 2017, continuing until all pets have found new homes.
Where: WarcraftPets Discord channel - https://discord.gg/YNHCbXD
How: Join the WarcraftPets Discord server, click the #contests channel, and "react" to the GiveawayBot's latest message by clicking the party-popper emoji. You'll know you're entered when the number goes up. When the giveaway is over, the bot will randomly pick a winner who reacted.
Note: This giveaway is limited to US, Oceanic, Latin American, and Brazilian servers as Sawfty's hefty pet collection is on a US realm.
For detailed information on how to join the Discord channel, entering each daily raffle, and additional giveaway guidelines, check out Pommie's forum post on the WarcraftPets Discord thread.
How to Enter Sawfty's Pet Giveaway
Good luck to all entering! Everyone is welcome to join the WarcraftPets Discord to hang out and talk about pets.
On behalf of the community, we'd like to thank Sawfty for his generosity and Pommie for hosting this event.
About Sawfty

The name "Sawfty" comes from the fact friends could always bum rides or money from him, making him the "old softie".
He went from raiding to playing more of the "periphery" of World of Warcraft, avidly pursuing archaeology, fishing, running old content, collecting mounts, and of course battling pets.
At his retirement he had collected 850 unique pets, all increased to rare quality and trained to level 25.
Thank you all for your well wishes! I'm happy to report that physical therapy and working with my new doctors resulted in me being able to step back into the game. I want to thank Pommie at the WCP Discord for handling all the giveaways and the AMAZING support from WarcraftPets and the whole WarcraftPets community! <3
Cool beans
I hope Sawfty gets well soon to come back to WoW and wish him the best.
My heart goes out to Sawfty during his time of need, I sincerely hope that his pain and worry are eased. I do not know him, but the care he has for this community and his years of love and dedication to this crazy thing of collecting and devotion to what his has nutured is evidenced in the desire to pass on the joy his menagerie has brought him! Grace and goodness, happiness and hope be with you!
My heart goes out to Sawfty during his time of need, I sincerely hope that his pain and worry are eased. I do not know him, but the care he has for this community and his years of love and dedication to this crazy thing of collecting and devotion to what his has nutured is evidenced in the desire to pass on the joy his menagerie has brought him! Grace and goodness, happiness and hope be with you!
lovely gesture, Sawfty, all the best from the other side of the Atlantic :)
I hope everything gets better for you soon, Sawfty. This is an incredible way to leave the game! Cheers to your generosity!
Very sad news. I hope for improvement in Sawfty's health.
I hope your condition doesn't stop you from enjoying whatever else you love.
Fight well with what ails you and never, ever, give up.
Best wishes to you, and to your friends, family and doctors aswell!
Best wishes.
As a fellow softy my heart goes out to you, hope your health improves Sawfty!
Hope your health improves and that you can find joy in the things you can do. Hugs. Keep fighting.
Wishing Sawfty improved health. You'll be in my thoughts and prayers. Hoping you can play WoW again soon. Such a wonderful thing, this pet giveaway... a very "Sawfty" thing to do :)
You have many people cheering you on and praying for you. Hang on to that strength, Sawfty.
What a lovely thing to do! And I hope that Sawfty's medical treatment goes well
Sorry that you're not going to be able to play WoW, and hope that your health issues get sorted out. Best of luck! - John