Battle of Dazar'alor Raid-Dropped Pets
There are 4 new battle pets (pictured below) that will come from this raid. Collectors will want to keep in mind the following pets and corresponding release dates.

Child of Pa'ku - drops from Conclave of the Chosen encounter
- January 22 Normal and Heroic difficulties
- February 12 LFR wing 2
Enchanted Tiki Mask - Enchanting recipe drops from King Rastakhan encounter
- January 22 Normal and Heroic difficulties
- February 12 LFR wing 2
Spawn of Krag'wa (Mythic only) - drops from Conclave of the Chosen encounter
- January 29 Mythic difficulty
Thunder Lizard Runt - drops from Conclave of the Chosen encounter
- January 22 Normal and Heroic difficulties
- February 12 LFR wing 2
The majority of these pets are Bind on Pick Up but they can be caged. The Enchanted Tiki Mask enchanting recipe is BoP, however the pet it creates is Bind on Use.
It's unclear if the recipe and these pets, excluding Spawn of Krag'wa, will drop from all difficulties. We'll have to wait and see. May RNG be in your favor!
Can confirm pa'ku and thunder lizard runt both are dropping in normal. As well as the enchant recipe. Looks like a guaranteed drop from the number I saw last night.
I bought the Enchanted Tiki on AH yesterday for a little over 2k gold... so they are becoming available to buy. Btw it's a lovely pet, quite large and flies with you... I'm loving it!! :)
None of the pets are listed in LFR loot table..
Which is wrong, WCP or Wowhead?
Great, so those of us who can't raid because we don't have the time to commit to raiding guilds are basically gonna have to buy them rather than have a chance to get them ourselves :(
"The majority of these pets are Bind on Pick Up but they can be caged."
Can anyone explain why a pet is BoP and cagable? It doesn't make sense.. If a pet is BoP, it shouldn't be cagable, as it voids being BoP..
I have wondered this for years..
The journal loot list doesn't list the pets in LFR, only Normal onwards, so I wouldn't expect the pets to drop in LFR.
[quote]Spawn of Krag'wa (Mythic only)[/quote]
That just so wrong :/