Here, we present different battle pets and then you, the WarcraftPets community, vote to determine the winner.
The Legion Returns
We know the Legion is coming in all its green-tinted glory. This month, to celebrate, we're throwing together several of our favorite demons and fel-tainted pets to see who reigns supreme... over Azeroth.
Here’s the tale of the tape...

Name: Tindiro
Age: infinite
Height: 2 feet, 4 inches
Weight: incorporeal
Reach: 9 inches
Hometown: Tanaan Jungle
Signature Move: Conflagrate
Favorite Food: Smoldering Coal

Name: Lil'lidan
Age: ten... THOUSAND... YEARS...
Height: 2 feet 5 inches
Weight: 29 pounds 1 ounce
Reach: 11.2 inches (not including glaives)
Wingspan 32.4 inches
Hometown: Anaheim
Signature Move: Murkmorphosis
Favorite Food: Tears of the Goddess

Name: Minfernal
Age: Minfernal
Height: Minfernal
Weight: Minfernal
Reach: Minfernal
Hometown: Minfernal
Signature Move: Minfernal
Favorite Food: Minfernal

Name: Fiyero
Age: 1 year 2 months
Height: 1 foot, 8 inches
Weight: 18 pounds 11 ounces
Reach: 11 inches
Hometown: Tanaan Jungle
Signature Move: Fel Immolate
Favorite Food: Fel Ham
You Decide Who Wins!
So, WarcraftPets, who should win?
Smart money would be on Fel Flame as a sentient bit of the Legion's corruption, but optimists may want to go for the Murkidan angle instead. Hey, a blind half night elf fish might have a shot at taking out an inexorable, infinitely resurrecting force of entropy all by its lonesome! ...uh, maybe.
What the Fel Pup lacks in being a durable fighter, it makes up in the adorability quotient. It's really not fair to send a tiny puppy out against the might of the Legion, but then when has the Legion ever fought fair?
Lastly, the Minfernal has a bit of an edge by being ridiculously rare, but as a fighter it's probably just about as useful as a doorstop.
Head to the poll and cast your vote
Voting ends August 17thth, so don't delay in helping decide which pet takes all!
Why a replacement? Did something get nerfed?
Has anyone found a good replacement for the Water/Howl team?