Anniversary Pets
WoW's 20th Anniversary Celebration event runs from October 22, 2024 to January 6, 2025. Head to Caverns of Time in Tanaris to check out all of the festivities. Earn a new currency, Bronze Celebration Tokens, to buy new cosmetics as well as a few returning pets. [source]

- Craggles - 2200 Timewarped Badge
- Lil'Doomy - 10 Bronze Celebration Tokens
- Lil'Kaz (pictured right) - Drops from Lord Kazzak
- Misty - 2200 Timewarped Badge
Missed out on previous years' anniversary pets? Now is your chance to collect them! For a limited time, five older anniversary pets will be available to buy for 10 Bronze Celebration Tokens each.

The anniversary event has multiple attractions, plus a couple of familiar faces. Stop by Breanni's stand to say hello, or check out the Pet Battle area (pictured below).

Upcoming Timewalking Pets
Two new battle pets were added to Timewalking vendors. Each costs 2200 Timewarped Badges.

- Karazhan Syphoner (pictured above, left)
- Specter (pictured above, right)
Players can buy the Karazhan Syphoner during the Burning Crusade Timewalking event, while Specter will be available when the Wrath Timewalking event is active.
Miscellaneous Changes
Listed below are a few undocumented pet changes in Patch 11.0.5:
- Coppers has trained extensively and is now ready for battling
- Mikah renamed to Jade Cragviper
- Caustic Oozeling, Illskitter, and Kaheti Bull Worm removed (for now)
- Mister Muskoxeles is properly showing as the reward for collecting 1800 unique pets
- Family Battler of Khaz Algar achievement now has a pet reward, Fuzzy!
Note: Players that completed Family Battler of Khaz Algar prior to Patch 11.0.5 are not retroactively receiving Fuzzy as the reward. Those that complete it after the patch are being rewarded as normal. Hopefully Blizzard will fix this bug in the near future.
Twitch Drop Pet
In celebration of WoW's 20th Anniversary there's another Twitch Drop reward! [source]

The Sand Scarab was originally released as a pet code from the WoW Trading Card Game (Tomb of the Forgotten set). It became unavailable once the TCG was discontinued, so it's awesome that this pet will be collectible again for a limited time.
Great information!
Great information sharing!
now possible to have more than 1 Blightbud. He is also now cageable.
Redscouse, Lil'Kaz and Lil'Doomy are two different pets. Lil'Kaz is looted of Lord Kazzak whilst you can purchase Lil'Doomy from Historian Ma'di.
But I noticed that I can't trade nor cage Thunder, Nightfarm Growthling and Hallowed Glowfly anymore. I can still keep three of them but that's it. Same goes for Pillarnest Bonedrinker but I can have only one instead of three.
Fuzzy seems to be currently bugged (of course). I finished that achievement well before the patch but the pet isn't in my collection, bags or mail. Submitted a bug report to Blizz.
Also, first thing I purchased with enough bronze was Molten Corgi. So happy to finally have that pet! It's a beast in pvp, any time I've gone up against a team with it I've just surrendered. Going to get Onyxian Whelpling next so I'll be up on all those pets.
Breanni sells 4 different Pet Prep guides out at the 20th anniversary event at the Caverms of time. Can anyone please tell me what they are? I couldn't find anything on them online. Thanks!
Great! Thanks!
Thanks for the awesome write-up, Quintessence!