Mobot's Comments
(16) comments by Mobot

Comments by Date (16)
wow - nice fire! This is one awesome pet!
VERY happy they added this one. I hope they add Murky (since it was an early pet and not many had a chance to get it) and the other pets that were handed out a long time ago at Blizz or other promotional events.
This IS the best looking pet I have seen so far. The seem to be getting better.
When you get to this area - he is just sitting there with a question mark. Click on it and it says you found a new friend. It gets added to your journal. It can be put in a cage and I see them on the AH for around 500 gold. Not sure what the price will be eventually - most likely cheap since everyone can get one easy.
If you are looking to just get him as a pet -fine. I would not go out and order all those games just to get this one if you are looking for a good battle pet. He's pretty bad.
Make no mistake - this pet has been nerfed. Two patches ago this thing started missing like crazy. I have yet to hit better than 50% in any battle. So it then comes down to hitting for 100 points average by the end of the battle. It still says it hits for 80% - but as you will see for yourself - that is clearly not the case. I thought it was just me but after asking several others - it's the same with everyone. I cannot call this a top 20 anymore.
This pet has really nice abilites - not sure why no one uses it. Any time you get two hit slots and one heal - that's a decent pet.
This pet's abilities make no sense. It has Solar Beam - which gives bonus hit if the weather is sunlight. The third ability is Moonfire - which makes it moonlight. What's the point?
I won this auction on my server for 2500 gold. That was the starting bid and that's what I got it for (no one bid for two days). Putting this here in case anyone is curious about the auction price. I see it listed for 10K all the time but no one seems to buy those. I spend most of my time buying and selling pets in between all my dailies so I am getting a good feel for what everything sells for. 3000 gold seems to be a good price.
I read the comments here to see where to get this guy. He looked pretty tough to get. But - I got him on my first try. I opened the AH and there he was! 3500 gold! I then went to do the dailies anyway just to get a second - and yeah - a week later with no luck. So if you don't want to do dailies - wait for a decent price on the AH. Price on AH has been 10K average but someone always drops a pet for cheaper so have patience if you plan to buy.
Nice comments everyone. I just stated collecting a short while back and I do rely on the comments to help me with AH values. I saw this on the AH for 1500 and quickly checked the commnets - it was indeed a good deal so i bought it! Thanks!
This is by far the most underated pet. I have this pet as the number 1 battle pet. When I first saw it - I thought ...yeah..right. Then I lost a few times with it while leveling. But I stuck with it then got to level 20. Wish....woh. The combo on this pet and its ability to heal other pets - made this the first game changer pet. GET IT! I actually like hit looks and think a face re-do would make it exceptional.
This guy kicks butt in some serious way. I thought this was going to be a weak fun to look at char but it's far beyond that. Super Murk!
I just got this pet. It looks awesome! But can't tell yet if it is good in combat. Any know how good this little guy is?
If you are having trouble completing this quest - the following helps.
1) fill both the back rows with sunflowers as quick as possible. Zombies move slow so you have time to get that done and only drop a stong or two (or plant) in front of the zombies.
2) start adding your defense as far to the front as possible.
3) add sunflowers when you can to the third row ( 2 or 3 are good).
4) add stones to the first row (zombie side) as soon as possible. This gives you more time.
I love collecting pets. But I really hate the re-skins. There should be ZERO reskins. Also - while on that topic - each pet that is the same but has differernt stats - should have a slight difference in appearance. i.e B/B, H/S - should look a bit different.